Telegram Update: Replies 2.0, Adjustable Link Previews, Name Colors and More
Telegram Update: Replies 2.0, Adjustable Link Previews, Name Colors and More

Replies 2.0, Adjustable Link Previews, Name Colors and More

Telegram Update: Replies 2.0, Adjustable Link Previews, Name Colors and More
Replies 2.0, Adjustable Link Previews, Name Colors and More
Say what you will about Telegram as a system and its weird custom encryption. But when it comes to their feature details, they're really ahead of the competition and I wish other chat apps would just copy stuff more readily from them.
I just want to turn off Stories.
There's no longer an easy way to disable transparency, you have to make a custom theme and then set alpha to 255
There is. In the battery saver settings, while it's off, uncheck chat animations > blur in dark theme
They forgot updating the name I guess but disables transparency in light and dark mode for me
Oh wow that actually worked, thanks