Google's highest-revenue searches are about the iPhone
Google's highest-revenue searches are about the iPhone

A list of Google search queries from 2018 reveal the highest-revenue searches for the company, and most of them are about the iPhone.

Google's highest-revenue searches are about the iPhone
A list of Google search queries from 2018 reveal the highest-revenue searches for the company, and most of them are about the iPhone.
If you had RTFA, the top searches were for older iPhones. Also, this is about search queries with the highest revenues for Google and not about trending search queries among young people.
But please continue your ranting about how young people and their priorities are messed up.
Read the article next time before going on a boomer rant that wastes people's time.
Next time act like a human being instead of an asshole and wasting everyone's time.
Most phones are financed through carriers over a set period of time, not fully bought out at once.
Your bitchy rant about priorities makes no sense, and instead of explaining yourself when someone tells you that, you whine like a bitch.
Please keep it civil.