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  • Keep is a horrible shopping list app with barely any features qualifying it. There are no categories for groceries that automatically sort your list, no additional notes per item (quantity, etc.) and the usage in the store is just not great as it relies on you reading small text on your phone. Other apps have had far better solutions to this but aren't allowed to be used with Google's assistant anymore...

  • I used to use it for shopping lists, but then one day assistant said it had moved. I couldn't find it, instructions were unclear so I gave up on shopping lists and keep.

    I've been burned many times by Google since then, and they've taken me from a customer with a lot of Google products and services to only a backup email account and that's about it.

  • I could have sworn that Keep was the initial location for shopping lists when using Assistant before getting moved to Shopping List. Now they're going back?

    I grew to prefer Shopping List 😞
    My SO doesn't use Keep and will now have to install it if they want to view the household shopping list.