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  • No worries, Xiaomi, my next phone is going to be fairphone. But you keep digging, girl

  • If Xiaomi devices cannot be unlocked in the future, I will not buy one. Simple as that. Of course the number of people following that logic may be a neglectable metric in the grand-scheme.

    While that seems similar, Xiaomi will apparently have higher requirements. It’s pointed out by Kacper Skrzypek, who translates MIUI for Polish users, that Xiaomi will require users in China to reach “level five” on the company’s forums to even apply to unlock a bootloader, limits the number of unlocks per year to three, and won’t allow users with non-China Xiaomi accounts to unlock their bootloaders, at least for now.

  • "To protect the device’s security, avoid data leakage, and provide users with a more secure and stable user experience, bootloader unlocking will be disabled by default on Xiaomi HyperOS."

    Avoid data leak my arse, stable user experience? They must be high. Users are the first line of security and why do they care when they had already made sale. HyperOutrageousShite. I bet some of their employees had root binaries on their device.