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actual causes of global warming rule


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  • "Youre going about it all wrong: this method is how you convince people to stop slitting innocent animals throats. I know this method works because it didnt work on me." fyi if I could snap my fingers and somehow force everyone to leave animals alone I'd do it in a heartbeat, wouldnt you do the same to end all murder?

    • I mean, it's been scientifically shown that antagonistically trying to change someone's mind only serves to harden their existing views and make them less open to thinking about it. e.g. at this point I'm deliberately avoiding reading your response again, because all it provokes is my anger issues, all that achieves is putting me in a state where you are The Enemy and neither morality or ethics are considerations, and I try to avoid that with people I largely agree with but have one major sticking point against these days.

      I've been in a similar position with urbanist/FuckCars stuff, where no matter how many arguments you make about how the suburbs are a blight upon the cities they parasitise and we need to densify now, how cars have no right being the #1 method of transportation within cities, or how SUVs should be banned within city limits, the carbrained suburbanite will ignore them all and continue going about their lifestyle without a thought about it. You can't reason someone out of a position they didn't reason themselves into.

      But you can always tap into the fear that comes with "this will economically ruin you if you keep doing this" and as such, high petrol prices are one hell of a gift for getting people to start catching public transport and/or biking, at least the ones who live in places where such a thing is physically possible. We're in the middle of a cost of living crisis, where the average person is getting evermore squeezed for what little they have, and you still can't shift your angle of attack from "you're a terrible person and you should feel bad" to "meat is the most expensive part of your diet and here are alternative ways to get that flavour/texture that cost far less (and incidentally are 100% plant)" and then work on them from there?

      Just saying, the average(/mode) person using any English-language space on the internet a) is used to dishes where the meat, or at least some kind of fancy, dairy-based sauce, is the focal point and b) has no idea what the state of fake meat/meat alternatives is like right now.

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