OnePlus Open brings back Facebook/Meta bloatware apps
OnePlus Open brings back Facebook/Meta bloatware apps

After promising to skip out on Facebook and Meta bloatware a few years ago, the OnePlus Open brings back apps we never wanted to see again.

OnePlus Open brings back Facebook/Meta bloatware apps
After promising to skip out on Facebook and Meta bloatware a few years ago, the OnePlus Open brings back apps we never wanted to see again.
Just a quick reminder that as a consumer, you can choose to not support brands that fuck you over for corporate gain
Not many Android options out there. Basically just pixel or oneplus. Oneplus is dead to me until they bring back wireless charging and pixel is a trash phone with endless bugs and garbage battery life. Samsung ruined excellent hardware with garbage software with ads and bloat ware.
So anyway, if OP bring wireless charging back in next generation, I'll tolerate a few non removable apps to use a phone that actually lasts all day and has working Bluetooth.
God, I hate Facebook and Meta.
Their preinstalled & unremovable apps are why I refuse to buy a Samsung phone and now I guess I'll never buy a OnePlus.
Don't put garbage third-party apps on phones that people can't remove. It's infuriating
My GF bought Samsung phone couple of weeks ago and all the apps were removable (as in you could uninstall, not just hide). They have different version of the OS for different markets, right?
Samsungs unlocked non carrier devices don't come with these apps, FYI to those reading the thread.
Still can't unlock the bootloader on Samdung phones in North America even if carrier unlocked. So that is a non-starter for custom ROMs.
If not buying a phone that comes with these preinstalled wasn't the first option you picked, then ADB is your friend.
adb devices
adb shell
, and now you can wreak havoc on your phoneTo uninstall an app, type
pm uninstall --user 0 *package name*
For example,
pm uninstall --user 0
Should you uninstall something by accident, you can reinstall by using
cmd package install-existing *package name*
Note: if you somehow manage to uninstall system packages you can't reinstall those (afaik). At least i ended up having to reset the phone twice while setting up and trying to change the default camera app. Not the worst on a new phone i guess.
I guess I'll file this under only proceed if you know what you're doing
I removed a package that was needed for the sim card to function once. Didn't remember what that package was, because I just went to town without documenting what packages I uninstalled.
That's a learning experience right there
This only disables these packages. Any OTA update re-enables them, and you have to re-disable them again.
It does uninstall them completely.
However, the installation files are still there for the system to use. A factory reset for example wouldn't work the way it's intended to otherwise.
Though I don't know about how updates behave in that instance, so that sounds annoying if it's like this.
I'd also recommend the universal android debloater. makes the whole process quite easy.
True, I always forget that exists
makes sense. OnePlus has been going downhill for years now