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Which Mastodons / Lemmies / RSS Feeds / Hashtags / Reddits do you follow for Ukrainian War?

I think we here on Lemmy obviously prefer Lemmy links, maybe Mastodon as well. But there's other good resources out on the greater internet worth following too. Hopefully we can get all of these onto Lemmy eventually, but for now, we should make lists.


You can get an rss feed from Or you can get native Mastodon rss feed for specific users or hashtags by adding .rss to the end. For example: will generate an RSS feed for the whole local timeline of the Mastodon server. While gives you DarthPutin's specific RSS feed.

Lemmy seems to be the most active community right now. Feel free to add others to this list that you think we should be advertising.


That's all I got personally. But maybe others know of good people to follow (Twitter / Reddit included. I know that not everyone wants to go back to those webpages, but some people are willing to explore those webpages still).


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