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Must-play Ubisoft games

Lo and behold, I have Ubisoft wallet funds! And it just happens to be that it's everyone's favourite time to buy games, Cyber Monday.

So, my question for all the Lemmings out there is: What are your top five (5) must-play Ubisoft games? I'm talking pseudo-classics, like AC2. Gems from the past decade that can run on anyone's hardware. Note that the older the game is, the higher the discount is, and thus more accessible.


  • Watch Dogs 2 - They added more hacking gameplay. The characters are good. It's multiplayer is fun. But the story is sub-par. Due to it's pacing.

    Far Cry 3 - It's so good. Ubisoft copied it's formula for all Far Cry games after it.

    Assassin's Creed - Great stealth, parkour gameplay, and how it used of it's time period. Makes AC1 great. But it's repetitive missions, boring open world outside of the cities, and Desmond part of the story. Really hurts the game.

  • Surprised nobody's said The Division yet. The first one is incredible fun IMO, and the second one is good, but not as much fun.