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Discussion: Do you think recent Twitter mess up will cause new wave of #TwitterMigration?

I honestly think it sure will. People will probably go in 3 directions:

  • Mastodon
  • Wait for Bluesky
  • Wait for Instagram "Threads"

Honestly, if people go fediverse way, they definitely should choose something like Misskey/Calckey. They're much better options than mastodon IMO


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  • I think we shouldn't expect to see the same sort of migration from Twitter to Mastodon like we did for Reddit to Lemmy. Because of network effects, Mastodon will have a much harder time attracting refugees. What you can hope for is more of a slow drip as Twitter users get fed up with the platform. Every migrant to Mastodon makes it that much easier for the remaining Twitter users to move as well.

    I'm hopeful but I wouldn't count on it.

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