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  • Hey, OP! Are we allowed to debate some of these problems with the theory, or am I obliged to believe it anyway? These are my top twenty doubts and I'd appreciate if you could resolve some of them for me.

    Empirical problems:

    1. Horizontal Gene Transfer upsets the conceptual "tree of life", i.e. if genetics are not exclusively hereditary then it is impossible to determine a last universal common ancestor (LUCA).
    2. Lack of a viable mechanism for producing the complex and specific information required to render the genetic code functional.
    3. Failure of the fossil record to find support for Darwinian evolution (punctuated equilibrium, Cambrian explosion, etc).
    4. Rampant examples of convergent evolution indicate extreme improbability.
    5. Abiogenesis.
    6. Biogeographical distribution irregularities.
    7. Inaccurate predictions regarding so-called "junk DNA", vestigial organs and endogenous retroviruses (ERV).
    8. Epigenetics cannot be reduced to a mechanism, certainly not natural selection.
    9. "Phenotypic Plasticity" - the correlation between genotypes and phenotypes are no longer 1:1.
    10. Beneficial mutations are impossibly rare. In almost all cases, mutations are degenerative, as demonstrated by Richard Lenski's bacteria experiment and Molly Burke's fruit fly experiment - both published in Nature.

    Philosophical problems:

    1. Alvin Plantinga's "Evolutionary Argument Against Naturalism" illustrates that the combination of naturalism and evolution is self-defeating because, under these assumptions, the probability that humans have evolved reliable cognitive faculties is low or inscrutable. This has prompted many ambitious thinkers to suggest that consciousness is an illusion.
    2. Humans show many behavioral and cognitive traits and abilities that offer no apparent survival advantage (art, music, religion, introspection, homosexuality, etc.)
    3. Evolution as a necessary secular creation myth is ejected from the realm of objective science and is now highly politicized.
    4. Determinism - as implied by evolution theory - is dangerously irrational and hypocritical.
    5. Democracy is founded on a metaphysical claim which contradicts the tenets of evolution, i.e. "we hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal...".
    6. Quantum uncertainty undermines the mechanistic nature of evolution theory.
    7. Evolution cannot be rationally explained without recourse to vitalist rhetoric, i.e. the "selfish gene".
    8. All too frequently, critique of evolution theory is dismissed by appealing to vox populi, a disengenuous logical fallacy, or...
    9. Esotericism - the claim that only a certified expert is qualified to critique the theory, but every layman is obliged accept the theory.
    10. An evolution research experiment cannot be performed except by design.
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