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  • I know I'm 3 days late, but here's what's new specifically (copied from my Reddit post):

    1:Keyboard looks different

    2: The apps don't really seem to be different from Android 13/ZenUI 10 to Android 14/ZenUI 11 (contrary to the changelog)

    3: New back arrow gesture design! (It's so satisfying! I can play with it for hours!)

    4: Flashlight can blink for notifications and ringtones (and the screen can be set to pulse a color for notifications, too!)

    5: "Touch sounds" renamed to "Tap and click sounds"

    6: New battery chart

    7: Color of clock on lock screen can be changed separately from theme

    8: Monochrome theme

    9: SOT indicator is back!

    10: Media player has some slight design tweaks (and new animations)

    However, bootloader unlock is still unavailable.