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Any good RSS Feed service for self-hosting?

Hi guys, do you know if there is a good RSS Feed service that can be self-hosted which also exposes a good front-end to read the subscribed news? Thanks in advance.


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  • I use Yarr (Yet Another RSS Reader). It can be easily deployed with Docker Compose and does the job nicely:

    • Just found it and tried on my home server, it works:

      version: '3.3'
          container_name: yarr
          image: maskalicz/yarr:latest
          - 7070:7070
          - ./yarr-data:/data:rw

      Anyway, it just have one view mode with 3 panels and it's not customizable. At the moment, the most featured and exstesible RSS Feed service seems to be FreshRSS as suggested in the thread by

    • Is there any guide / reference of the yarr docker compose file?

      • Sorry, but I mixed up apps. I have Yarr directly set up as a systemd service:

        [Unit] Description=Yarr Service

        [Service] ExecStart=/home/darkl1nk/yarr/yarr -auth-file=/home/darkl1nk/yarr/auth.file WorkingDirectory=/home/dark

        I downloaded the precompiled package ( and placed it at my home directory. Then created a site for nginx to map my subdomain to the local port 7070.

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