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  • feat. Ochaco Uraraka from Boku no Hero Academia - Art by SnowV | Pixiv | Gelbooru

    MOD NOTE: This post is more suggestive than explicit but it's original content and it still looks good! We've done the same with other posts that are more along the lines of ecchi than hentai too. This one probably belongs on something like ! though.

    If anyone's wondering why it has basically no title, I think that's because that's how it was posted on Mastodon, but I'll reach out to the artist to let'em know.

    • @snowv

      Oh cool, comments are federated back too.

      Thanks for posting on /c/Hentai! I don't really know how Mastodon <=> Lemmy posting works, but just letting you know that your post appeared with basically no title (see screenshot).

      Maybe try adding a little text for a title next time you post?