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David Gerrold's amazing two-part interview covering Roddenberry, Fontana, TOS, TAS & TNG:

At turns fascinating, insightful, heartbreaking, heartwarming, infuriating and even savage, it's certainly the most interesting ST-themed interview I've ever watched / listened to.

For me, it also tied various ST lore and insider info together (thanks, Memory Alpha!), especially DC Fontana's book, which I recall as being pretty scathing when it came to Gene Roddenberry. But after watching this two-parter, I get the sense Gene's lawyer and the network itself had a pretty disastrous, and even cruel influence on the "Great Bird of the Galaxy."

Part two is here:


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  • Hey Gerrold! Where the hell is the next book in 'War Against the Chtorr?'

    • Wasn't it supposed to be released in 2015? People complain about Martin, but he's got nothing on the Dave. 31 years and counting since the last book.