Samsung’s emoji are bad - 9to5google
Samsung’s emoji are bad - 9to5google

Samsung’s emoji are bad

Yeah they aren't great. But at least we have the blob using emoji kitchen.
Samsung’s emoji are bad - 9to5google
Samsung’s emoji are bad
Yeah they aren't great. But at least we have the blob using emoji kitchen.
The initial Android Jellybean version of the blobmojis are the only emojis that have ever been good, before or since
Yeah I feel you
Agreed! Blobmoji were the best and I'm totally not bitter at all that Google killed them like so many other great services.
Kitkats emojis were also pretty cool, the downfall started with lollipop in my opinion
I was just thinking that!
Is there any way to sideload them in?
I have just enough care about this topic to post about how I dont care.
They're my favourite emoji flavours, really, besides the blobbies (blobbies are life)
still so sad about the death of blobbies :'(
Blobbies? Nah, better to have every emoji in 3 different gender variants and 10 tones of skin colour. It's just some much simpler that way!
Samsung's Emoji are what I'd imagine would happen if I asked AI to make Apple's emoji's but only with pieces pulled from Google's emoji.
They look pretty damn bad. All around. I'll never understand why they don't at least give up and pay JoyPixels, considering they can't even beat those in quality. 😑
But are they worse than Microsoft's?
Very hard to beat, discord's sucks too
Discord uses
Any good way to use Gboard on the Z Fold? I miss the emoji kitchen but the default Samsung keyboard has support for different layouts depending on if the phone is open or closed (thumb keyboard when it's open and normal when closed) and I need that.
Gboard is behaving well on my z fold. Floating on outer screen and normal keyboard on closed.
Yep works good now!
I just started using MessagEase, a unique FOSS kb.
Do you use stock messagease? I found the old app a little ugly but the way the keyboard works is great. Haven't used it for a bit now but was so much faster on it than any other software keyboard
Any good way to use Gboard on the Z Fold? I miss the emoji kitchen but the default Samsung keyboard has support for different layouts depending on if the phone is open or closed (thumb keyboard when it’s open and normal when closed) and I need that.
That oneUI 5.0 turtle looks actionable. Look at the legs. It's really obvious they traced the Apple one.
How hard is it for them to use the best turtle. The android turtle.
I'd take this a step further and say they're all bad regardless of who made them, in my opinion. I just do not like them.
what no blob does to a person