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Liberals are so deeply deeply stupid and evil on a level that is incomprehensible to me

This is in response to that cop pointing a gun at Aaron Bushnell and yelling at him to get on the ground as he self immolates. Its insane, americans are insane fascists


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  • Gregory's second comment is correct. When you panic, you default to your training. It's the whole reason you train in the first place. This dude short-circuited and ended up on the default "draw gun and yell get on the ground" loop.

    • Thats the least problematic comment in the thread, yeah, but thats still horrific. That American police are trained to default to pulling out their weapon is an insane fucking thing

      • Oh, sorry, I meant that it was the only correct comment. The rest are insane and not worth engaging with. That's my fault for poor wording.

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