Hi, I am currently working on project that I'm calling Installies. It is a tool for Linux that makes it easy to find and use bash scripts to install, remove, update, or compile apps. You can add specific scripts for different distros or architectures.
I have been working on this for the past couple of months, and it is nearly ready to be released. Lately I realized that I haven't asked any other Linux users if they would find it useful, so if you could tell me if you might find it useful, or any advice/feedback, it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
It would be easier for me to understand if you can explain how this is different from the various other methods of installing software onto a computer.
How is this different from a package manager, or something like FlatPak or AppImage, where you can find scripts (not necessarily bash scripts) to install whole packages from a binary repository?
Is there an advantage to your solution over something like OhMyZsh, which provides a repository of Zsh functions you can install to configure the Zsh user interface.
Is there a reason why, if someone does not want to use a package manager, or Nix/Guix, they would prefer to use your solution rather than just go to the website and find the script there to install the software they need?
it isn’t platform specific because you can add scripts for any distro or architecture.
it just stores and runs bash scripts to install stuff
to remove once installed, or automated ways to update.
Well, any Linux distro has a package manager which you can use to install, update, or remove software. So can Nix, Guix, AppImage, and FlatPak. And Nix and Guix allows you to build from source code.
So I guess my question is, if I were thinking about using your app to install software, and update and remove it, how is it more convenient than using my ordinary package manager? If it is more convenient for building software from source, how is it more convenient than Nix or Guix?