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What skincare products do you use?

Looking specifically for men but I’m open to all opinions. I’ve been doing some experimenting over the last 2 and a bit years, trying to find what works best for me. I’d love to get some opinions on what has worked for others.

stuff I’ve tried:

  • L'Oréal Men Expert (no complaints)
  • Bull Dog (not the biggest fan)
  • Neutrogena (no complaints either)
  • SkinCeuticals (borrowed from my partner who got some as a gift)

I’m in Europe if it helps

  • Fellow guy here.I use CeraVe foaming face wash followed with Clinique Dramatically Different moisturizing gel for oily skin.

    I also use CeraVe moisturizer in the big tub for my hands and skin when they're dry. I dare not use that stuff of my face, as it's too greasy and makes me break out.

    I've also got some CORSX AHA 7 Liquid for exfoliating with some cotton swabs.

    And finally just some proraso for shaving.

    But yeah, you really gotta figure out what kinda skin type you've got so you can better match up what products you really need, or see a dermatologist to get a regimen figured out, of you even need one. Like if you've got dry skin, oily skin, or combination, etc.

  • Dr bronners for skin and hair (I have very thick indian hair in jata style dreadlocks down to my knees). For a long time I used a charcoal based face wash (lush until they changed their formula for coal face, then some similar brand I found on amazon) but for whatever odd reason after a few years my skin stopped tolerating it and kept breaking out, so I switched to Kate Somerville's sulfur face wash which works wonders (but does have a bit of a smell to it unfortunately).

  • For my face i use Cerave daily moisturizing lotion. If you don't have that in europe look for anything that says "non comedogenic" and bonud points for salycic acid. These are really good if you suffer from acne, blotchy skin, or big ugly pores. Avoid scented stuff too, but as you said mens stuff that shouldn't be hard.

    For body I use Vaseline Advanced Repair lotion, which is strong stuff and really good for eczema or garden variety dry skin.

    • Some organic face soap
    • some organic shaving soap (lasts forever, mix with water or use these fancy brushes)
    • organic basic cream (afterwards)
    • sometimes peeling containing clay
  • Skin care products are required to get no government cetification on their claims. Hence its mostly marketing and giving/taking advantage of people with self image issues. Its the next step in consumerism to take advantage of mens wallets in the same way the beuty industry has been doing to women for years.

    Soap and water will clean practically anything and if ya need it maybe some dirt cheap moisturiser for literally any part of your body will do the trick. Hell u can probably find something in ur kitchen that will do just as good of a job as any bullshit product.

    Dont buy into the marketing mens beuty marketing is perfectly correllated with self image issues its all designed to make u a good little consumer.

    Honestly the best thing u can do for your skin is go swimming in the ocean once a day.

    • Even soap and water (or hot water) is bad if you do it too often, doing every day is bad for the body, as it removes the natural protection your skin produces and NEEDS, and you don't need the skin care products unless it is for some issues you have on your skin (medical reason). Those products often creates more issues with your skin. We should always visit an expert on skin care with studies and stop following random people.

      • Most of the marketing about skin protection is bs.

        And sunscreen is also probably better for said protection than some special bs shite.

        And yeah medical reasons is a whole different thing entirely.