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A friend told me that buying things off AliExpress contributes to the "inhumane working conditions in China"

...and also somehow directly causes third world countries to be drowned in plastic trash


He had no complaints about a link to the same cheap spare part listed on Amazon though


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  • I've stopped buying from amazon because every search shows the same cheap shitty product from "brands" like QERIOUPPOIEWF

    And depending on what you're buying it can be dangerous

    • There's a bike cleaning product company on there called Ultrafashs that has me suspicious

    • Amazon and eBay are both ruined by endless dropshippers.

    • The reason those brands have crazy names is that they're rebranding stuff they bought from the actual manufacturer. Amazon will let any seller list identical products on the same listing, unless your brand name is trademarked. So to prevent another seller from using their (paid) product reviews, listing images, SEO, and advertising spend they make a new trademark. Because it takes a long time and a lot of legal work to find out if your trademark is unique for your product category, they make it something crazy that's never been used for anything so there's no chance they later lose their exclusive product listing.

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