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/kbin meta Facni says 404 page not found. Does anyone else have this issue?


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  • Try adding


    To the end of the URL. This was a useful workaround a few months ago when things went pear-shaped for awhile.

    • This still works... though kbin still doesn't render the code block correctly it seems.


      basically tells the site to load page 1 of whatever sort is selected. You can also do p=2 for page 2, etc.

      • though kbin still doesn't render the code block correctly it seems

        Yeah, I hope ernest (or someone else) fixes it soon. Mbin has fixed it, so it should be possible to check there how it was done.

        I did make a frontend fix for it which is included in KES and available standalone on Greasyfork. But it would be much preferable if this was fixed in kbin itself.

        I think the big problem is that the issue on codeberg is closed. Ernest never got involved, but other maintainers closed it as a "lemmy issue" which it isn't. Lemmy is federating completely legal HTML with escaping applied to spec and kbin should be able to understand it. Mbin can understand it.

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