I learned a valuable lesson about my medication this morning
TL:DR: When taking your ADHD meds (in my case atomoxetine) it's best to take them and eat a meal at the same time.
This morning was the first time since I started my medication that I didn't eat with it because I normally eat right after I wake up and that's when I take my meds.
Instead this morning I took my medication then got prints off of my 3D printers, started preparing more prints for printing, and started one of them when suddenly I started feeling nauseous.
Like really nauseous.
Like shivering and sweating, nauseous.
I realized what was going on so I went and ate something small, soft, and easy to puke if things went further south.
Luckily the nausea has gone down quite a bit in the last hour so I was able to eat more but walking around is still pretty rough.
I might have to call out of work this evening but hey, at least I did this today on a work day and not tomorrow on my day off.
I'm on concerta and get really nauseous if I take it on an empty stomach. My routine: meds + full glass of water (on nightstand), then get out of bed and eat a protein bar. I'm currently obsessed with Lenny & Larry cookie bars.