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"Face the Strange" — Star Trek: Discovery Episode Discussion

Episode Information

No. Episode Written By Directed By Release Date
5x04 Face the Strange Sean Cochran Lee Rose 2024-04-18

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  • Was the time loop just a plot device to show Raynor is wrong with his behaviour?

    • Also to remind us that there hasn't been a tremendous amount of character focus beyond the small core. We've seen these faces and maybe even remember a few of their names over the years. However, some of them still feel like strangers a few cubicles over where we say "What's up?" but hesitate to include a first name or develop a nickname.

      The catch of the episode put that front and center. I get why Worf had to spend time accepting that his path would never see him fully accepted by his Klingon brethren. It's not too far a stretch to accept that O'brien is able to take so much punishment and bounce back (minus the PTSD effects lasting longer than 1 episode). Discovery's crew is convinced to help in future Burnham's cause with little more than 1-2 lines of detail. Some of those bits even the audience wouldn't know until we're told.

      I will admit, that much of the potential growth is handicapped by truncated shooting schedules and seasons. We haven't had 24-26 per batch where we can hyper focus. Only so much time to dedicate to bridge, engineering, sickbay, the bar, and crew quarters.

      It all seems just a bit too shallow... the tension forced.

      Side note: I did appreciate the end of act 2 callback to the Short Trek: Calypso . Really tied the series together.