That's awesome! What are your thoughts on keeping the colors of your face as they naturally are and as the GoL algorithm acts on the pixels, you blend the colors together?
I was thinking of doing three separate GOL simulations, one on each RGB channel, and letting the colors mix that way into like 6 colors.
right now, I clamp the pixel brightness values to 0 or 1, so that's why it's black/white, or rather black/green.
That would be cool, seeing RGB GOL cells moving outward. Maybe instead of 0 or 1 brightness you could just round it for the cell's purposes, maybe having a const float for flexibility: if it's greater than threshold then it's "on".
That would be cool, seeing RGB GOL cells moving outward. Maybe instead of 0 or 1 brightness you could just round it for the cell's purposes, maybe having a const float for flexibility: if it's greater than threshold then it's "on".