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Sickening Racist billboards appeared across metro Detroit on Hitler’s birthday

A group called White Lives Matter Michigan took credit for the hateful messages

Racist billboards appeared across metro Detroit on Hitler’s birthday

metroDetroit™-related article: Deal.

From the "Things-I-Still-Can't-Fathom Dept."…

“White Lives Matter Michigan permeated[?] censorship to obtain three roadside billboards throughout Southeastern Michigan to dog-whistle morale boosting messages to pro-Whites for this 4/20 Day of Action!” the group tweeted Saturday.

A billboard on John R Road in Hazel Park, for instance, read, “Happy birthday, Uncle Adi. 88 climbs! Hugs & Kisses to HT, GDL, & GTV.” Next to it is a semi-silleauted [em. mine -- r2 ] face with Hitler’s distinctive peaked hat.

A trivial aside: can anyone tell me what silleauted means or is that a typo for silhouetted?

A billboard near the Gibraltar Trade Center in Mount Clemens read, “Go back to Africa!” and disguised itself as a congratulatory message to “Tryone” [sic] for earning a trip after scoring 1350 on the SATs. “1350” is a racist code that references an alleged FBI study that claimed 50% of crimes are committed by Black people, who represent 13% of the population.

And yet, the billboard leasing company claimed that these hateful, poisonous billboards escaped their eagle-eye filtering process. I guess with enough zeroes, advertising requests may be submitted in Braille.

Billboard4Me said the deceitful messaging was discreet enough to make it past the company’s filters [em. mine -- r2 ] and that the messages were purchased by “an organization that disguised itself and its purpose with deceptive imagery and wording.”

From the White Lives Matter comuniqué to the Metro Times…

“Whites face inevitable genocide if the current trend of brown immigration, anti-White hatred, and White victimization continue,” the representative wrote. “It’s openly stated that Whites will be minorities in their own nations within decades."

Why does this disgusting rhetoric remind me of a certain, indefensible Michigan House Representative and his recent online activities? Why does this disgusting rhetoric even exist in the 21st century? Will we never be able to move forward as a nation?


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