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Sick of internet moderators and their ego trips.

I just want forums to chat about current events, argue about stupid fandoms, and bicker with internet trolls. Reddit used to be that, and I had hopes for Lemmy, but everything here is choked to death by over moderation that has nothing to do with keeping healthy communities. It's just thinly veiled echo chambers that don't want to admit what their community is about.

This is coming off a ban over disagreeing with vegans calling dietary disagreements the same as racism. The dude literally said different species were similar to humans having different races. I called that 1800s slave owning theory racism if I've ever seen it lmao.

I know people dont care for internet drama, I just wanted to rant. The internet of tomorrow fucking sucks.


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  • Hey, I've edited the tone of the targeted communication. Does this fit your guidelines?

    I understand you have power over both communities and have personal beef, but would it be fair for me to ask a different moderator to input here?

    Can you remove yourself due to a conflict of interest?

    Can you make a post of the overall discourse that mods can be directed to instead of hashing it out in my thread? My post here is being derailed by personal attacks and you are choosing to kick me out.

    This is kind of my entire point about singled out harrasment by stalker mods.

    Thanks, you also have a good one.

    • The edit is better.

      About the conflit of interest, feel free to ask input from another mod, but I noticed I'm usually quite lenient on this community (as you may have noticed, I usually ask people to edit their comments rather than remove / ban as you may experienced in other communities).

      Also, it's Sunday, people have probably other stuff to do, so you probably won't get an answer until tomorrow.

      I thought it was just a couple problematic mods, I didn’t realize yall were forming a mod clique in private dialogues baking this behavior into the community.

      There are only a few people keeping the whole thing running. Be it mods, regular posters, admins. I literally just stumbled upon Admiral Patrick in another community talking about the last X-Men show. It's more of a small town environment where you stumble upon the same people everywhere rather than a cult with gurus.

      Which comes back to your point about harassment. In my case, I didn't plan to encounter you on both of the communities I mod, but here we are. Would you have posted on ! or !, it would have been a different story (and the mod team on ! isn't really lenient. Trust my, I'm permanently banned there after I suggested changes to the community).

      So it's more of a coincidence than harassment (at least in my case).

      • You are only one of the mods I'm complaining about launching personal stalking attacks across communities, though. Other people are free to call me a jerk, combatative, shitty, and plenty of other phrases here openly, but I can't say somebody has bad taste as they shit on my post made to help people.

        And do you not see how you are just breaking down the description of being outside the clique to being inside the clique?

        To the people on the inside, it's a homely group of friends, but to newcomers, it is a wall of judgment that has natural allegiances.

        I'd prefer we don't hash this out here, but since as you said I don't have any other option, I'll spill my purse.

        You didn't moderate the comments that were shitposting in your movies community, trashing on new input. You decided to single me out over a joke response against shitposters.

        You didn't moderate the direct personal attack paragraph written as:

        People who make their whole personality about Star Wars, or Star Trek, or Marvel Comics, or whatever...

        Are just as bad as potheads who make their whole personality revolve around the fact that they smoke pot.

        The problematic line for you was

        Sorry you have bad taste. I hope it gets better for you

        And now you follow me back here to dismiss my input and defend personal attacks.

        Like for real?

        • How exactly do you want me to moderate a post that you deleted yourself?

          • For one, most of the direct attack complaints are about mods in this not deleted post we are discussing in. I'm assuming you are wanting to single out the one comment that had a 30 minute lifespan in my 2 hour thread before I deleted the thread.

            There was enough time for the comment to be made, for me to respond, for you to respond to my response, for me to respond to your response to my response, and again for you to leave nother response.

            The direct personal attack was in that thread for half of that time, and our discussion was happening in direct relation to people shitting on a 25 year old film in a thread of me trying to talk to fans about a theatrical rerun.

            So outcome:

            You get to keep the commenters who will shit on new input, and you will lose somebody who was willing to post and engage in your sub in a positive way, because his joke was too mean to shitposters.

            But really, the question on your moderatorship is why are you letting people launch personal attacks on me here? Why are you attacking me personally.

            I wouldn't pay too much attention to OP

            How is saying somebody's input has no value different from saying somebody has bad taste?

            • You deleted your post at 4:43

              The comment we are talking about came in at 4:46

              On top of that, when I saw your report, the post had already been deleted.

              For the other comment, I already told you there that it's fine to express criticism against a movie, less against a person.

              why are you letting people launch personal attacks on me here

              Because what the other person expressed makes sense in this context. You complain about mods power tripping, but you are overtly agressive yourself, as I noticed myself in the other community. You could have let the post live, I would have moderated the "whole personality" comment, and we would have moved on. Instead you remove the post, all of your comments, so that people wanting to have a look at what happened cannot anymore. I encountered this behavior in the past, it's widely used by trolls to cover their tracks.

              Why are you attacking me personally.

              It's more of a deescalation technique rather than an attack. Also, you are not really engaging any conversation here, which is the theme of the community. I let it got since yesterday because I think it's good to allow people to express themselves, even if not completely on topic, but based on our conversation, you would probably be better off elsewhere.

    • The edit is better.

      About the conflit of interest, feel free to ask input from another mod, but I noticed I'm usually quite lenient on this community (as you may have noticed, I usually ask people to edit their comments rather than remove / ban as you may experienced in other communities).

      Also, it's Sunday, people have probably other stuff to do, so you probably won't get an answer until tomorrow.

      I thought it was just a couple problematic mods, I didn’t realize yall were forming a mod clique in private dialogues baking this behavior into the community.

      There are only a few people keeping the whole thing running. Be it mods, regular posters, admins. I literally just stumbled upon Admiral Patrick in another community talking about the last X-Men show. It's more of a small town environment where you stumble upon the same people everywhere rather than a cult with gurus.

      Which comes back to your point about harassment. In my case, I didn't plan to encounter you on both of the communities I mod, but here we are. Would you have posted on ! or !, it would have been a different story (and the mod team on ! isn't really lenient. Trust my, I'm permanently banned there after I suggested changes to the community).

      So it's more of a coincidence than harassment (at least in my case).

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