Citizen Is Suspending Sales of Its New Wear OS Smartwatch
Citizen Is Suspending Sales of Its New Wear OS Smartwatch

The second-generation CZ Smart launched a few months ago. Both the company and reviewers have found serious technical issues.

Citizen Is Suspending Sales of Its New Wear OS Smartwatch
The second-generation CZ Smart launched a few months ago. Both the company and reviewers have found serious technical issues.
Wearos uses too much resources. Google needs either to dumb it down or wait ten years for a wearable soc with 8gb ram 8 cores, perfect for a smartwatch
Can't believe that hasn't been addressed yet. I had a moto 360 years ago, first version of Android wear and it was obvious they were trying to do too much with it. Sounds like it's still that way. I then used a Garmin watch with nothing visually appealing, but great battery. Very practical. Got out of running and haven't tried anything since then. Hoping to go with a pixel watch 2 with LTE, but wish they would go extreme with reducing the load on it.
Yeah, once you try sports watches and get used to 7+ days of battery life everything else seems like a bad joke.
Why even produce something if you're not gonna conduct the absolute basic quality testing?