American wanting to move abroad, what's the best bet for an registered nurse?
Hi there, I'm a registered nurse in Phoenix, Arizona and I'm seriously considering moving abroad because this country is driving me insane for a lot of reasons. I was considering moving to Israel since I'm Jewish and I've heard they have a better healthcare system there and pay nurses well but this war has made me not really consider that anymore, so I'm open to suggestions. Thanks
I don't want to botch your plans but you gotta keep in mind that the educational systems in the EU and US are very different. Being a RN might not mean a lot abroad.
I Germany there is however a lack of nurses and programs to recruit internationally. Maybe the situation is similar in other EU countries.
Where ever you are planing to go: Compare salaries cost of living, and what is publicly funded and what not.
I think many people are turned off from moving because salaries are lower...
An RN degree in the US is often a bachelor's degree. They didn't really have university degrees for nurses in Germany (there are nursing management degrees). There is obviously a licensing test, but that should be the only barrier.