Android 15 can automatically adjust vibration strength on Pixels
Android 15 can automatically adjust vibration strength on Pixels
Android 15 can automatically adjust vibration strength on Pixels

Android 15 can automatically adjust vibration strength on Pixels
Android 15 can automatically adjust vibration strength on Pixels
They add so many features with so many options that it feels completely overloaded now.
All I want is a pre-debloated phone with better battery life.
I feel they are taking features and options away. I don't mind if they have a simple and advanced menu so those who want to adjust can do so, and its simple for the average user.
However, instead they treat everyone as if they are tech ikliterate. They lock it down for financial gain and call it protecting consumers.
Woah. Easy, fella
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
What are you thinking?
We can't even use the devices we own as we please nowadays...