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How do people find good information on the internet these days?

It used to be that you would do a search on a relevant subject and get blog posts, forums posts, and maybe a couple of relevant companies offering the product or service. (And if you wanted more information on said company you could give them a call and actually talk to a real person about said service) You could even trust amazon and yelp reviews. Now searches have been completely taken over by Forbes top 10 lists, random affiliate link click through aggregators that copy and paste each others work, review factories that will kill your competitors and boost your product stars, ect.... It seems like the internet has gotten soooo much harder to use, just because you have to wade through all the bullshit. It's no wonder people switch to reddit and lemmy style sites, in a way it mirrors a little what kind of information you used to be able to garner from the internet in it's early days. What do people do these days to find genuine information about products or services?


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  • I know there's some "type of purpose" behind SEO but I can't help but mentally categorize in the same realm as:

    • As the weird aisle of vehicular additives
    • That creepy dusty Chinese remedy store
    • As sold on TV products
    • Conceptually stupid Butt lift Cream

    They have entire teams of people who get certified in Google ad sense, analytics, hubspot etc. To supposedly make you rich or increase ROI by 1% or whatever but why not just build a good website with solid code and have good content.

    If SEO didn't exist the actual companies behind search engines would need to work harder to do, what they do. But instead they train other with stupid little temporary certifications and send out little SEO trolls to plant tracking codes everywhere. Just Seems leechy and redundant.

    Then they change an algorithm and screw over the very little trolls they sent out.

    Really if you think about it SEO specialists work for the Search Engine Companies for free they are really just Optimizing the Search Engine. Programming and content is what really Optimizes the website.

    By hey its just my opinion guys not saying I'm correct. Regardless... I'm ready for the anger from a lieutenant SEO magic master to come and riddle me with their monkey logic.

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