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Newb question: what does it really mean when I click "Reject Nonessential Cookies"? Am I really being any more private by rejecting these? Just feels greasy like it's a workaround for websites to get my information anyway? Should I navigate away from any sites that suggest this cookie configuration?


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  • As others said, configure your browser to store as few cookies as you can tolerate (because some actually useful stuff will break without them) and forget about these banners.

    Although I do enjoy the ones that have actual usable toggles for "legitimate interests" - how nice of them, giving me an option to disable even cookies they can legally store with just a notice, and definitely not just hiding non-essential cookies into a vaguely defined category.

    So I always go through the list and disable them one by one. It does nothing but waste my time, but I do it out of spite. Oh, and when I feel like really wasting my time, I send a bug report to whatever support email I can find on the site, about how the cookie banner accidentally let me disable essential cookies and should probably be fixed.

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