Realme GT5 unveiled with 150W and 240W versions, up to 24GB RAM
Realme GT5 unveiled with 150W and 240W versions, up to 24GB RAM

Realme GT5 unveiled with 150W and 240W versions, up to 24GB RAM

Realme GT5 unveiled with 150W and 240W versions, up to 24GB RAM
Realme GT5 unveiled with 150W and 240W versions, up to 24GB RAM
Because five blades are better than three
One could make the case for future proofing a phone to keep it usable for like 5 years or more. But then you'd also need guaranteed long-term software updates to go with it and probably a battery replacement or two. Don't know whether Realme delivers on those fronts.
Honestly, the title confused me slightly—wasn't sure if it was about a workstation PC, GPU, ARM based microserver, gaming laptop or what. 24 GB of RAM and 240 W charging seem completely ridiculous for a phone.
I hope one day they make phone with this great specs but with ui that is actually smooth and good
Can't have good phones without some bloatware and spyware on the side ;)
I have a genuine question.
My wife’s MacBook Air has 8gb of ram, my desktop has 16gb of ram.
Why do phones need so much ram?
currently, they don't, but the mobile operating systems do heavily cache applications in ram and those applications are getting pretty heavy, so instead of accessing bulk storage every time you launch an app, they are pretty much all sleeping in a low-cpu state with most of their content pre-loaded into ram.
Makes them snappier to switch apps and such, particularly with image or video heavy apps that want to be able to preload pages and pages of content to mindlessly scroll through while the internet connection loads more in the background.
Windows and MacOS has started doing a bit more of this, but still gets by with less ram as you tend to have a more powerful CPU and faster storage to not worry about an extra fraction of a second to switch between apps, but 0.5 seconds to switch apps on a phone can feel slow because we humans are simple dumb creatures with zero patience.
Thanks for this.
@worfamerryman @FragmentedChicken android is less memory efficient, because Java in lots of scenarios basically allocates the double of the memory that it needs for performance reasons. However, android with 6 or 8 GB is fine for 99% of users. 24 GB is nuts, and it's probably just for gaming.
Because it runs Java and tons of bloatware plus a ton of spywar. Ah also, it needs a ton of adware too.
Holy Jebus, that is the absolute most bleeding edge phone I have ever seen, and it costs less than a Pixel 7a...
But agree with others that the software is a deal breaker. Loading this up with stock android would be a much better experience, but of course with roms there is a price to pay in terms of stability and compatibility.
that's... so much memory? my pixel has 12GB and that seems excessive to me. I'm used to iPhones and their running incredible on like 6GB lol
While native android apps tend to have higher memory usage compared native ios apps, 24GB seems overkill, especially for realme as their version of android is pretty aggressive killing background tasks to reduce power usage.
Idk why but this reminds me of the OnePlus 10.
Realme belongs to Oppo which belongs to the same parent company as OnePlus (BBK). They share a lot of technology and often OnePlus phones are really just rebranded Oppo phones.
Probably because Oppo owns both Realme and OnePlus.
Oh yeah that's true
I think it's the green colour
Plus the camera bump
The phone is Hi-Res Audio and Dolby certified, but doesn’t have a wired 3.5mm headphone jack.
24gig ? thats probably with swap enabled (like all chinese phones, false advertizing). any rooted phone with enabled swap could help extend the ram this much too. heck there s a paid app that could enables limitless swap using any class 10 sd card. also 120w would only make since if it would charge a 10k mAh battery or something.
It's real, many models are being announced with 24GB since June.
And in terms of bandwidth, your SD card swap versus UFS 4.0 is quite literally like comparing walking versus highway speeds.