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Parents with bilingual children, how did you do it?

Although I mention parents specifically in the title, this isn’t just for parents to respond.

My wife and I are trying to raise our child to be bilingual (English and Portuguese). Currently we’re both speaking a bit of both to our child and when they eventually go to school we’ll speak more Portuguese as they’ll be exposed to English everywhere else.

Is this a good approach or is there something we can do better?

  • Here in Hong Kong, we have three official languages: English, Cantonese, and Mandarin (okay, two only if you count Canto and Mandarin as one language, in which case dllm), and all three are taught in schools (Mandarin generally up to grade 9, the rest up to grade 12).

    Almost all of us grow up trilingual.

  • I'm bilingual.

    They just sent me to an English daycare and spoke French with me at home.

    Then I could do the rest on my own.

  • I have a two year old. I speak German, partner speaks French, we speak English to each other (but not the kid), and we live in Sweden, so the kid’s learning Swedish at the daycare.

    So it’s 4 languages (3 that we teach plus English) and the one parent one language approach.

    Kid was a bit slow to start speaking, but now he understands a lot in all 3 languages, learns new words in all 3 all the time, and even picks up a bit of English occasionally. He’s started to distinguish the languages too, depending on who he talks to, but it’s definitely usually still a mix of all languages. When he speaks Swedish to me, I either just reply in German, or I might repeat what he said but in German first. And when he asks for his favorite lullaby in French, I just tell him in can’t do that one. We also have books in the different languages, but we might just use them in either language and describe what’s happening instead of reading it out.

    And I’m told this mixing improves over time, I’m not worried at all. So I would say this approach works really well for us.

    If you mix the languages between both parents, I think (but that’s just my gut feeling), the kid will have an easier time distinguishing the languages later on if you associate some activities with a specific language. Could be a place where you always use one language. Or some books, etc.
    But, I doubt that’s a must. Kids are astonishingly good at learning languages (I’m so jealous).

    • Same for me but exchange French with Russian.

      I think one thing I feel we should have done different is to tell the kid I don't understand you if you are not talking my language. All of us know a bit of the other languages, which was super helpful as my wife didn't have to translate when she talks to our baby about something.

      But the downside over time was that our child after being in daycare would start speaking Swedish to us, and seeing as a toddler doesn't pronounce words correctly we had a hell of time understanding that as non-native speakers. Lots of frustration in that one. So maybe it would have been better from the start to act as if we understand no Swedish at all.

      Counterpoint, being outside we of course have to understand what others say to us in Swedish, so that might have looked weird for the kid then.

      But what worked so far is that I speak my mother tongue, my wife hers, and our child mostly speaks Swedish since that's the main language surrounding her. She understands all we say but is not great at speaking either our languages right now.

  • How well this goes depends on a lot of factors: are those languages native to either parent? What language is spoken where you live? Do you have other people in their lives that speak these languages? Are there other contexts in which those languages are spoken beyond the home (social occasions, TV, etc)?

    Apparently, for it to really stick, it takes a lot more than just a parent speaking. I recommend listening to this podcast episode with a researcher that runs a bilingual child development lab. TBH, it's a bit disheartening to hear how hard it is to make it work:

    The questions I asked above come from listening to that. Another big takeaway is consistency. One parent should stick to only one language talking to the kid.

    I live in the US and I am a native Portuguese speaker, and my wife is a native Farsi speaker. We both spoke our own languages to our kid, and at age 2 he would mostly only speak those languages, and would even translate between them naturally (like I would say "go tell mom X" in Portuguese, and he would go and tell her in Farsi). But at age 3 he started just replying in English... Even went to Iran at 4, and could understand all his cousins but only replied in English. Farsi had a better shot because he has more exposure to it than Portuguese, but still... Honestly, it's one of my bigger disappointments in my parenting because it was really important to me, but I myself fumbled with it: when he started speaking in English to me, I started sometimes mixing it up and responding in English, which is not good for this (I have lived in the US since high school, so it's honestly a little easier for me at this point too). I was also a little concerned about his development in English and communication with his friends in school, but that's not necessary, that will come no matter what, so stick with it. My brother also lives in the US and is married to another Portuguese speaker, so his 2 kids born here speak it just fine since it was the only language at home. Their grammar and vocabulary is a little weird, but they can get by just fine.

    Edit: sorry for any repetition, when I went to comment I couldn't see any other comments for some reason and thought I was the first to respond

  • I moved to the Netherlands when my boy was 8yo. At that time he was fluent and capable to read and write in Portuguese. Now, two years later he can also do the same in Dutch, but the challenge now is that he is forgetting some words or some meanings in his mother tongue. I ask to everyone coming from Brazil to bring books for him, which helps a lot (he loves to read). Besides of that, it's super hard for me to follow up him with his homework.

  • I was raised bilingual, and speaking from my own experiences I'd say that it's a good idea to consider the following questions if you want to maximize the child's ability in either language:

    1. Is there a parent who the child sees more or less often than the other? What will one do in case one parent dies, or in case the child has a language disorder, or there is otherwise some sort of unexpected problem that could impact the child's language development?
    2. What are the language dynamics at play in the family and in the local area? What will the child associate with each of the two languages? Can the child have all its needs met in the non-dominant language? Does the child have access to a broader community of speakers, and in what way?

    I'm not sure if it's a good idea to share my own story because it gets pretty melodramatic at points, but yeah, language skills need to be built and maintained over the course of one's entire life, so you need to be able to adapt to changing circumstances. But as a whole I think that what you're planning for your own kid sounds like it will work well, or at least decently well — the only way to know for sure is to get a time machine and go forwards 20 years, and until then I think it's best to have faith in your competence as a parent. There's no-one who knows a family better than itself.

    And beyond that, one should also ask oneself... Well, what types of language skills does one want to see in one's child, and what happens if the child ultimately does not reach the goals one has set? I'd say that I have sort of a nuanced or over-complicated relationship to so-called "bad grammar" because of my position.