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Epic Store Database entries reveal Final Fantasy 16 PC and what appears to be Final Fantasy 9 Epic Store Database entries reveal Final Fantasy 16 PC and what appears to be Final Fantasy 9 | RPG Site

We already knew a PC version of FF16 was coming, and here's more fuel to the Final Fantasy IX rumor fire

Epic Store Database entries reveal Final Fantasy 16 PC and what appears to be Final Fantasy 9 | RPG Site

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  • Square just reported an underwhelming quarter, so I am not gonna be surprised if they announce a remaster/re-release of an old classic to milk their fan base.

    Nothing wrong with that of course, but I get the impression it will be a cheap and rushed remaster, with simple upscaling and maybe some built in cheats; $40 please! ($60 with the pre-order bonuses).

    That all said, if it does turn into a complete remake I am sure they will turn the story into a convoluted mess with alternate dimensions and time travel.

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