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  • I've been so surprised by this show haha

    Episode 1 was just twist after twist, and now there seems to be, what, a magical girl or something?

    Why's there so many different supernaturals intersecting? Is that going to be a major plot-point? Feels like a definite chekov's gun.

  • The story is fun.

    The action scenes though ware something else. Total disconnect of VFX to the drawings of characters. Change of style from one scene to another. I thing they outsourced the action to the lowest bidder and the got what they payed for. I just hope they can severe the contract, but I doubt it with how underfunded the animators are.

    Not only we have got fantasy isekai, supernaturals but also magical girls. Now only thing left is mecha.

    I have written this in my grimoire.