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Loop 7-kaime • 7th Time Loop: The Villainess Enjoys a Carefree Life Married to Her Worst Enemy! - Ep 5 discussion

Reminder: don’t discuss plot points not yet seen or skipped in the show, otherwise your business proposal will be a fiasco you’ll spoil other users and the mods will give you a ban.

Earlier discussions:

  • I'm probably thinking too much into it, but the slum thing, while certainly with good intentions, could easily go wrong if in the wrong hands. Like, sweatshop levels of wrong. But maybe that's a too realistic way of thinking.

    • It could certainly go wrong depending on the conditions, since working in a sweatshop is still strictly better than having no wage at all. Couple that with overall impoverishment of the lower classes, rural exodus, and a focus on exports, you got a recipe for a society that is highly productive but miserable.

      A few elements that alleviate it are the minimum wage, the product being a luxury and Rishe's focus on marketing it across social classes. There's a limit on how abusive someone could get in her position, and even then it would be counter-productive, since when you're short of cash the first thing that you stop consuming are luxuries.

  • Theodore's manipulation relies a bit too much on things like: you probably wouldn't want to marry a killer, you probably fear for your life, Rishe probably doesn't know Arnold well enough, etc. So saying them would probably have an impact on her relationship with Arnold. Well, it breaks against someone with more knowledge than they're supposed to have, like she has.

    "The resolve to be my wife? There's no need for that." +> "I want to make sure that you're happy." Funny how she's still prone to a tilt due to those words and an unexpected kiss.

    The nail polish idea was rather well thought, from both Rishe and the author. The business benefits her, Tully, and the general population, specially the ones in the slums. And the maids are more than happy to be the product demonstration; later on they'll basically become walking ad boards for Rishe's nail polish.

    I'm not sure on what to think about Rishe using Tully's sister sickness for the business though. Not from a moral standpoint (she's curing someone sick), but from a pragmatic one (would he be really convinced by that?).

    Plot twist at the end!

    • I didn't see that plot twist coming. Feels like quite a betrayal, especially from Elsie. Though, it's likely they were fooled by Theodore's manipulation, even if that didn't work on Rishe. I hope it's that and not actual betrayal.