Why do you use firefox?
Why do you use firefox?
Why do you use firefox?
Waaaaaaay better privacy, faster than chrome, don’t need to worry about them killing mandatory add ons so they can push ads, also the add ons just work better but maybe that’s confirmation bias.
I’m sure there’s more I’m forgetting
It is not really faster than Chrome, but hey, at least I don't have to manually opt out of monetizing my browsing history and my adblocker still works.
Firefox actually has surpassed Chrome recently in benchmarks
Sadly not everywhere. On mobile it lacks behind. Even more on video content and low power cpus.
Chromium is slightly better in a way where I could clic on the video buttons without lag : On my android TV, (sideloaded) Firefox had issues with video buttons. So I tried using kiwi browser (for the extension support), and it worked well for buttons. The video wasn't a lot smoother, but it just seemed maybe just slightly better.
When you say video, do you mean YouTube and on other Google sites? Not sure if you knew this, but Google has proprietary shit on their websites that enables special features just for Chrome. Even if Firefox wanted to implement those features, Google wouldn’t let Firefox use them.
Sorry to hijack, but can anyone help me with my issue?
I'm using librewolf and since about a week or two I noticed a speed issue. Overall my internet is fast, way faster then I need in fact, but websites load at a unreasonably slow speed.
When opening anything librewolf just sits there loading for a few second (probably up to ~10) then page opens fine. Video playback works great too. What could be the issue?
Mobile adblock
I don't use it because of mobile adblock only. There are multiple private chromium browsers which have mobile adblock, and also one supporting extensions : kiwi browser.
I use Firefox because it's a competing engine to chromium, and it looks good.
I also have all the synced bookmarks from my PC Firefox, which I use for the same reason, and because I got used to it.
I normally don't jump on bandwagons, but this is the way. After using ublock on firefox on my phone, it was an easy decision to switch from chrome to firefox (librewolf) on my computer too (so everything would sync lol)
Because it's the only browser not based on Google's Chromium rendering engine (Webview, WebKit? whatever). Using any other browser supports Google's monopoly over how we browse the internet and what we are allowed to see. No, fuck Google.
Edit: spelling
I just wanna add that one reason this monopoly is dangerous is that Google (could and nowadays) does use it to dictate "web standards". So e.g. they don't come anymore from organizations that develop standards but Google just forces their own standards by sheer power of market dominance.
Yes! I failed to dive deeper, but you expressed it well. They have already planned to remove the option to have ad-blockers in Chrome... what will come next?
If you're interested at all:
Google Chrome is a fork of the open source Chromium with several Google proprietary features. Chromium uses the Blink engine. Blink is a fork of a large component of WebKit called WebCore. Apple primarily develops WebKit (and by proxy WebCore), itself being a fork of KHTML and KJS which were actually discontinued this year.
Because it's not Chrome
Because it's open source
Because I can get it on all my devices
Because I like the work Mozilla does
Because it's private and secure by default
Came here to say all of this, so thank you for saving me keystrokes :)
All of these and then some.
A small part is that I'm supporting the underdog.
It's not created by a company that sells ads.
Because it's never let me down.
I started using it pretty much from the beginning and have never had a reason to stop. When Chrome came along, I thought the whole idea of using a browser made by Google was obviously awful, so I just kept using Firefox. And I'm still using it.
There were a few moments where Firefox seemed to stumble a bit and I did give Chrome a try. Otherwise, Firefox has been my primary browser for ages. Even to the point where I was using a portable version on a locked down computer ages ago. It just works and it respects me as a user.
Because I'm not comfortable using a tool of a mega corporation trying to shape the internet to show more ads to ppl
It's pretty much this. No one is going to notice a ~40ms difference in render time. It's functionally the same as alternatives. The main benefit is simply that it's not controlled by Google.
Because it's one of the only remaining browsers (the other one being Safari) that doesn't run on Chromium. We must protect FireFox and Safari with our lives because if they die out then Google has a monopoly on the browser space. Not something anyone wants... I mean look at their Manifest V3, and web DRM controversies. They are trying to ruin the web. Don't let them people!
Plus, I just like the ability to customize the toolbar, and FireFox Sync is just brilliant for syncing between mobile and desktop!
Ublock Origin
Isn't that also on Chrome??
Yeah, but chrome doesn't allow uBlock Origin to run fully, and it allows ads through.
For now
I was talking about Android, but on PC Ublock is much more effective on Firefox than on Chrome.
It's FOSS, respects my privacy, doesn't try to kill my adblock and it's the only option that doesn't support a big evil monopoly
Chrome runs like garbage compared to Firefox, and this has always been the case for me. I didn't make the switch in 2008. I also had a bad feeling that Chrome would become the new IE with every other browser ditching their own rendering engine and basing on Chromium.
People back then said it was OK because Chromium is ostensibly open-source. Look where that got us. Surprise, it's still controlled by Google!
Works well
Open source
Not chrome based
It’s open source, free, well maintained, and easy to set up and use.
You could say the same of Chrome, to be fair.
Chrome is not open-source. Chromium is.
Only technically and only if you’re talking about chromium. Chrome is about as open source as Android. Meaning not at all by the time it gets to most consumers.
Add-ons, it’s not chromium, and also I CAN BLOCK AUTOPLAY VIDEOS on it
I lived through the IE6 days. I don't want one browser or engine or company to dominate the web. We need multiple implementations of free and open standards.
Stable, fast, excellent ecosystem, and it's the ONLY trustworthy browser available.
It used to be 90% habit, 10% Firefox not being run by a mega corporation.
Now it is 49% habit, 51% the smug satisfaction of being right this whole time, even when people bitched about it being bloated on the back end.
i recommend waterfox or librewolf which booth are firefox without bloat like pocket. Waterfox seems to have better support
Not Chrome and Not MS. Simple.
Doesn't wake up one day and decide to DRM the Web or kill the adblcker.
Everything is chrome except Firefox.
Except that
On a side note, while Safari is not Chrome, Chrome's rendering engine is a fork of Webkit, the one inside Safari.
I've tried every other browser, and I keep coming back to Firefox because it's reliable, has a low memory footprint, and isn't run by some evil corporation.
No more cookie popups or banners
Back to the old internet kind of vibes when all that shit got canned
Main reason is that I can use my own sync server, I don't trust Google nor Mozilla to store my passwords, bookmarks and history, etc. but I trust myself.
Second reason is that it's the only non Webkit related browser left after IE, Opera gave up on their own rendering engine, so once Google decides to implement anti-features there is almost no way around it anymore. I like to think that if at least I use it, it will somehow stay relevant enough that the W3C can keep existing and Google needs at least engage in some kind of conversation about their anti-features instead of just implementing them and forcing it on everyone automatically.
Third, uBlock origin works very well, even on my Android mobile phone.
What are you using for your sync server? I did some preliminary searching recently and it looks like there are a few different options.
Yes, I'm still using the old one written in Python 2, only because I couldn't get the rust one to work quickly.
Ad block on mobile. Ad block on YouTube.
Even without the politics of it all (which are good), Firefox is flexible and customizable. Chromium is an ugly, inflexible piece of shit from 2006 that relies on the same bloated list menus and doesn't really let you do anything with it. Come at me, Chrome fanboys.
I switched around 2007 (I think it was Firefox 2 or 3?) because IE didn't have tabs, and then just stuck with it because it was extremely customisable and really fucking good. I never found a reason to switch.
At that time I didn't care much about the privacy/open source aspect of it but in today's world it's definitely a big plus.
Chrome, and it's relatives like Edge, are no longer an option, so I use Firefox.
On mobile: because of addon support (aka because of ad-block) On desktop: Open Source, "It's not chrome", it feels snappier than alternatives, it has good Linux/Wayland support, customizability and the biggest reason - habit. I started using Firefox when there was no Chrome.
It's the only non-chrome browser. And the only browser I can customize and that does what I want. I've been waiting for arc to release so I can try it out, but it seems like the development on it is taking literally forever.
I have pretty strict criteria for a browser, and really only firefox meets them. Chrome is way too locked down for me. And firefox has slowly been getting worse unfortunately.
maybe look info waterfox
waterfox is just a fork of firefox with seemingly no real benefits. I'd rather stay on the original build.
manifest v3
Originally because CSS worked more consistently. Now because it allows adblockers.
It's the least greasy browser that actually works with the modern web.
It's the most customizable, has the most advanced add ons system, syncs well between mobile and PC (though sadly with no tablet app), and it's not part of the Chrome hegemony. Lately it has become faster and faster!
It's the only browser made for users.
I’ve used it on and off over the years; ever since 2004/2005 or so.
Firebug was amazing for web development back in the days when it was just IE, Firefox & Safari.
I recently built a couple of sites (for a sim racing community) and one of my users mentioned a Firefox bug. I fixed the issue but then realized I need to be more aware of Gecko specific rendering issues. I decided to use Firefox for a week on my iPhone (yes I know, still technically Safari) and my desktop, and I forgot how much I like it.
I also don’t love the choices Chrome has been making recently.
Firefox’s market share is so low lately when compared to Safari and Chrome that it honestly feels like the battle is already lost.
On PC:
On Android:
Been using it for 7-8 years and only seen it improve. A few gripes to deal with, but I'm happy otherwise.
the screenshot button can be triggered with strg + shift + s
Because not using Chrome or Edge is a must.
Open source, private, not chrome. Because I've been using it for over a decade.
Because I have been using the same web browser, in terms of ideology, heritage, and codebase, for the last 30 years.
I mean, it’s hardly perfect. But it’s far better than the alternative (Chrome & derivatives). And now that Tab Mix Plus is available again (albeit in a somewhat unstable non-webstore XPI that requires you to hack Firefox to successfully install), I’m loving Firefox & LibreWolf all the more.
It's not chrome and it's open-source
I dont use Firefox as it comes on any device, as this is unusable. But with hardening its simply the most secure browser
I just think it's neat.
Because it's better in every way?
It's not Chrome, and it does everything I want.