Is it me or is everyone in hexbear insane?
Is it me or is everyone in hexbear insane?
Is it me or is everyone in hexbear insane? - Lemmy
something something specter something Lemmyverse
Is it me or is everyone in hexbear insane?
Is it me or is everyone in hexbear insane? - Lemmy
something something specter something Lemmyverse
It's that person that thought Putin wants to reinstate the USSR and refused to denounce Israel without equating Palestinian "guilt."
They wandered into a dunk tank post, debate perverted, and whined on
Yeah there's a commenter pointing that out in the thread and laughing at how bad the OP was at having a discussion
These are always salt posts by some shithead that got owned
It's a circle
they’re less like the meeting room of a communist party than like the bar where those communists hang out and drink beer, after the meeting is over.
I actually really like this description. I'm amazed at the number of people in this thread who actually somewhat get it. It's heartening <3
Thats a really cute description of hexbear. Feels nice
That's exactly why I love it here. I can just be myself, no need to walk on eggshells or fear being misunderstood, and I don't always have to resort to debatebroing. I dunno if many people here recognized me from my older account, but debatebroing was all I did, and it got tiring. I still do it, but far less frequently and I enjoy my time here a lot more!
Basically, it's a super cozy space here and I love y'all for welcoming me here
Also would love for that to be a tagline
Fucking lol!
Great username there too.
You cited a known crackpotEABOD again? This dude just recently got absolutely chewed as bad faith debate pervert on the very same issue so they went to their safe space to unwind and still got chewed? Lol, lmao even.
I'm the proud commenter who spent 1h of my life reading through the bullshit links he was sending me, writing down a summary of the "information" contained in the links, and then replying to him. It was exhausting and pointless because ultimately they weren't acting in good faith, but hey, at least some of you remember
I tried explaining who Zenz is to that user here when one of the websites he used had 5 sources from other different websites who ALL go back to Zenz.
deleted by creator
These are the words of House Coward
Folks is our reputation improving? I'm seeing pretty even splits in terms of people defending our instance vs. scratched libs. Some even saying we changed their minds on things.
Crumbling material conditions and the Palestinian genocide.
The US backing of Israel as well as the genocide getting more traction in the public mind has lifted the veil for a lot of "libs who only called themselves libs because they believed it was the left leaning side".
You can tell the US is SUPER pissed that the truth about Palestine got traction. (The whole reason they want to ban TikTok is because they believe that was the weak link in their control of the narrative)
Yeah I think global platforms showing the genocide have been a massive problem for libs. It's hard to feel morally superior to someone while you're defending the people mutilating children on a post showing the mutilated kids. It starts to puncture the illusion of being the reasonable good guy when you're telling people to ignore the bodies.
You can tell the US is SUPER pissed that the truth about Palestine got traction.
And their vassals too, like Germany is arresting Jews for antisemitism because they criticized Israel and France just did a public intimidation spectacle arrest of a nurse who was back from Gaza and telling people what really happens there.
You can tell the US is SUPER pissed that the truth about Palestine got traction. (The whole reason they want to ban TikTok is because they believe that was the weak link in their control of the narrative)
European libs with Telegram now too.
I definitely saw a few who specifically said that if you engage in good faith that Hexbear isn't bad.
We are really nice actually
Just have a zero tolerance policy for imperialist propaganda
I'd say that's true. There's a lot of well read people here who are absolutely willing to be patient with someone who was combative from the start or the second it's apparent they didn't read the room and thought whatever arrogant platitudes they posted were gonna go over just fine and then didn't. They come to our house and act out of line, they're gonna get ripped to shreds because it's our space.
I only joined 9 months ago but in the 4 or so months I was on y'all changed some of my perspectives on the DPRK
Propaganda works both ways. Keep up the posting comrades
I posted on the old sub for years and I didn't come around on the dprk until I'd been here a couple years tbh.
its hard to make us into a north korea situation when people can just come and see, the more we live rent free in their heads, the more they talk about us, the more people get curious and come look and its like, just anticapitalist memes and people posting cat pics
Which is pretty much how it went on reddit
I'm flattered that they're still malding over a comment I made more than a year ago. Dot world libs only wish they had that kind of posting power.
Read the Rom.
Read the ROM. ---computer
it just meant a system without capitalism or a state
Honestly that's still better understanding than 95% of chuds and libs who are like "gommulism is when no fud"
Listen, I'm all for dunking on shitlibs, but if someone's literally asking for reading recs on communism, I think we should at least try and give them something. Maybe I'm just being naive or my sealion detector is bad or something, but this to me seems like a good faith request, even if it's very ignorant.
That's such a cute emoji. I need this energy holy shit.
That was a painful 2 sentences to read.
what in tarnation
Half of the comments are people defending us, with language that's more persuasive than I could do myself. I'm honestly touched.
Yeah it seems like maybe real experience with us is changing opinion more broadly. I was expecting a dogpile.
We need to bring back the "fucking pooooost" culture of 2017-19. It's been dead a while but the time is now.
We already see it with that Lemmy tracker someone posted last week that showed us at the top of "activity" beating out instances with a ton more "users". Just like the Reddit days.
Hexbear is sort of like a village of eldritch abomination worshippers in a Lovecraftian horror story - isolated, insular, entirely wrapped up in their own esoteric rituals and ideas and language, and immediately and collectively hostile to outsiders.
The Shadow Over Hexxsmouth
It’s so funny when anyone complains about “echo chambers” when talking about internet communities dedicated to specific themes/topics. If I wanted a dipshit neoliberal yapping I would go back to reddit.
Fitting that they view people with a different opinion the same way reactionary-era Lovecraft viewed tribal people.
Or just like, Finnish people or something. Dude had an advanced degree in racism
Comparing this depiction with the reality of beanis-posting
I've always thought Innsmouth was cottagecore af so this checks out
No QT deep one gf tho :(
Lovecraft was racist as fuck lmao
My favourite bit about Lovecraft was that he voted for Socialist Party, because he absolutely hated the poor and they promised to eliminate poverty.
I have never heard someone use such wonderful language to call my mom a race traitor and me an abomination. Also he couldn't function without an adult woman supervising him.
This needs to be a tagline.
Synthesis. The student protestors are being funded by Dagon. Actually no, that seems like something somebody would say with no sense of humor about it.
That sounds like something Jordan Peterson would say tbh
New tag line?
We don't even isolate ourselves. Other instances preemptively defederate with us
the people blocking blahaj 196 for being too left wing lmfao
Hexbear is sort of like a village of eldritch abomination worshippers in a Lovecraftian horror story - isolated, insular, entirely wrapped up in their own esoteric rituals and ideas and language, and immediately and collectively hostile to outsiders.
New tagline just dropped
I am again reminded that all right-wing politics is projection.
I see this posted from time to time and today I finally read through the whole thing. Very compelling and evocative. You see the manifestations of this form in those southern megachurches. Joel Osteen is like a simulacrum of this inversion of religion under the social relations of capital. He has synthesized Christian Faith and Capital Accumulation, creating in effect a Christianity skin suit for this "Real God", in which to parade it out into the open.
You must sacrifice a portion of your wages to the church in the form of a seed in the hopes that it will one day bloom into a bountiful harvest. It is a similar myth to the one expressed by the preachers of Capital. Sacrifice your time, your money, in service of a future return on your investment. In both, a lack of success is only the manifestation of a lack of sacrifice and commitment to this social order on your part, and in no way a failing of the "gods" for which you are toiling for.
Like a house of mirrors, our social institutions are reflected against the mirror of capitalism, warping their intended form against the shape of capitals demands. The longer you stare into this twisted reflection, the more likely you are to be convinced it to be the true form, until you can no longer recall what the original form was, or that it even existed at all.
TAGLINEIf you’re saying I’m calling their viewpoints crazy, I’m not. I didn’t get a view point besides I’m pig slop, a piece of shit, brainwashed by the empire (whatever the hell that means), stupid, a basement dweller, and today, I think they called me a pervert
This is my exact same experience. I ask for someone to elaborate on their stance, get told (not accused, told) I’m trolling. Ask for explanation/definition of a concept, get called an idiot shitlib and told to read some theory. Ask for civility, get told I deserve abuse for “endorsing genocide”. (By the way, I absolutely oppose the genocide in Gaza. But I’m a genocide supporter I guess because I won’t flush my vote third party this November.)
tfw Hexbear wants you to vote third party???? Who is advocating for this???
I mean...
So explicitly supporting genociders makes you a genocide supporter now? Tankies..
A lot of us do say vote PSL or something, but that's secondary to not voting red/blue
They always make these wild claims about us calling them all kinds of mean things yet never provide any links of us doing those things.
I'll post my L up on this billboard. This will show everyone how insane they are.
They keep saying mean things about me, like "You smell" and "did you shit your pants" and "I can see the shit stains from here". They are mean and acting in bad faith by even suggesting I shit my pants!
I'll vote PSL not cause I think electoralism is the answer more just to pump them numbers up so people see leftists like, exist in the US
Dude wanted people to debate me bro as an experiment and didn't understand why no one would do that.
Wonder when they'll have their next account pop up here
There's never been one of these "Hexbear is mentally ill because they disagree with me" threads that hasn't been result of someone coming here and getting banned after posting in bad faith. -- Surprisingly, it seems that the rest of the fediverse is increasingly aware of that.
yeah im insane. insanely cool and attractive
that's SO true
It's just reddit again over there, oh man.
mfw I realize I am a member of an insane Lovecraftian cult community that worships eldritch abominations
Right wingers entire worldview really is projection. Cult of capital talking dismissively to non-believers.
The OP of that thread has been banned from hex several times because they're a debate pervert who keeps insisting they're open to new information and then refuse to budge when given that information. The worst kind of white liberal MLK wrote of, who is perfectly polite but steadfastly opposed to change. Every time they've posted you can see they're trying to sway us over to their malformed, petty worldview, and it never works because we're all so terminally online we can see through that shit.
This seems to 100% always be the caseThe OP of that thread has been banned from hex several times because they're a debate pervert
This should be the official tagline
For the uninitiated, crazy = not believing the invasion of Ukraine was step one in Putin's plan to restore the USSR
Well, poks
Bloody hell the fucking irony of .world and .ee here:
Isn't .ee is one of the only big instances that federates with hexbear?
I don't know about it much, but possible, considering a lot of trolls come from there to shittalk us and hex.
Pretty much, I think it was .world that pre-emptively defederated from Hexbear and I see them lumping into the "crazy tankies" categories now because they also blocked lemmygrad.
This post brought to you by the totally sane War is Peace Department
It ssems at least some commenters recognize how ridiculously anti leftist lemmitors tend to be:
I literally recognize a good deal of the ones complaining about hexbear as those serial arguers who are salty they got banned for being shit at arguing
oddly enough, there are some absolute stalwarts missing like the main participants of that surveilance community they set up on shitsfullafash to post everything we say
Too cute.
Babe, new Otyken MV just dropped
Once again I'm reminded other instances exist and that they're still taking about us.
So many dumb posts
With takes so hot they should change nick to Pyrophilia
Excellent summation of that terrible terrible user :/
I have never engaged with any of these other instances, but god damn do they have a lot to say about this place.
Yeah I always forget that these guys exist until they talk about us lmao
They keep coming here and then going home to whine about us
I usually filter by local because I want to avoid the liberalism
It's fun to be part of something infamous, gotta say
Damn we really do live rent free in their heads. This post was on an instance that has never been federated with us lol. still pulling that "everyone I don't like is child" bullshit.
When I condescend to people instead of acknowledging their arguments it makes them angry with me. How silly and immature of them!
They also claim they stopped arguing with people here because they realised it was "punching down" because we're apparently all "neurodivergent".
Literally can't help themselves doing lazy eugenicist shit because their debate-lord, appeal to the ref shit doesn't work on people who know exactly what they're doing and don't tolerate it.
As though extremist liberals who cannot even tolerate people existing with a different opinion or refusal to play some arbitrary game by their rules aren't the ones with a dismissive hyper fixation.
We love our neurodivergent comrades, many of whom regularly make libs like this look like schmucks without even looking up from what they were doing.
Gotta give them props for the spinny cat pfp at least.
I guess Liberal Einstein is now sharing the results of their experiment with the rest of the scientific community
Einstein Instructions unclear, Epstein materials shared to liberals.
Right into the taxes folder
We’re all mad here
Yes (complimentary). The world is mad, so insanity is the rational response.
Rent. Fucking. Free.
Who told them I have crippling depression and anxiety? And why they gotta call me names over it?
Someone should shut this site down until we can figure out what's going on.
I mean I am in fact insane but that's because it is no measure of health to be sane in a sick society.
Or, put another way, it's impossible to be a good person and not go insane in such a horrific society. When the "sane" ones are the ones who can stomach genocide, being "sane" is a bad thing.
They called John Brown insane.
It's always amazing to see how little it takes for that squid to fly off the handle.
Even better/worse when it's when they're modding
These people are fucking insane. Like actually.
Here you go. This is the actual post that fucking moron made. You can see for yourself that the guy had multiple good-faith responses that he clearly ignored while hyper-focusing on all the ones dunking on him. Like I don't even have to be a liberal Einstein genius to connect the dots there.
Just cram that link down their throats. The ones rational enough won't engage in this slop.
Oh LMAO it's that guy. I didn't even look at the name. Ahahahahaaa what a fucking loser. Got absolutely dunked on with all kinds of sources and ran away.
i guess we found out how that "experiment" went
Kinda miss dunking on these dipshits...
ok we pull up
The Skooma Cat incarnation of Sheo from ESO's Elsweyr DLC is much less grating than his other appearances. Still one of the worst written daedra (on par with Molag Bal imho), Nocturnal stays winning.
lemmygrad is the DPRK and we are Cuba if you think about it could be considered China since it's too important to defederate
This is true because every lib/fash debate-lord they send in here to rhetorically destroy us ends up fucking me. They deny it later, but it's true.
I think it's the reverse, since Hexbear is both more revisionist and more militant than grad, relative to these being instances
lemmygrad is the socialist nation of federation, already embargo'd by almost every other instance just for being based
History lesson!
Midwest blocked lemmygrad probably three years ago, long before hexbear had federation at all. I'm kind of surprised it's still blocked, but the admins probably see unblocking it as kicking a hornets nest, it would definitely turn into a discussion about hexbear as well.
I understand why they blocked it, there's some history there.
Lemmygrad was the second lemmy instance, started as, I think there were a bunch of other instances already by the time they moved to the lemmygrad domain. I'm pretty sure midwest started early enough that they predate the move to lemmygrad, I think they're old enough that they were set up even before (now hexbear). I was never on the cth subreddit, but I was already on communism lemmy/lemmygrad before the sub was banned, and I found out about this site when it started from being on lemmy. I actually liked communism lemmy a good bit better than for a while. The community was awesome, I visited daily, I learned a lot of shit and it really shaped my current worldview in a lot of ways. had more shitposting but there was honestly a good bit more infighting than there is today and I found that somewhat tiring.
When genzedong got banned from reddit, a ton of their users fled to lemmygrad (already on their own domain at this point). It became a different community and the toxicity just went through the roof overnight. I hated it. The federated lemmy instances ( was not) stopped coexisting without drama (edit: not totally accurate, wolfballs did not coexist peacefully with any of the others, rest in piss) and a lot of instances started having discussion after discussion about defederating from lemmygrad. Any defederation from lemmygrad but not from hexbear was almost certainly a reaction to that.
I started using lemmygrad less and less and started using my hexbear (I think? Maybe still back then) account much more. I think by that point the culture here had settled in more with less infighting than there had been at the start.
There was one extremely prolific poster that arrived at lemmygrad after the genzedong ban that was just arguing with fucking everyone on so many posts on every federated instance and it really grated on me that the lemmygrad community was rallying around her all the time. I saw her name join hexbear a couple years back and blocked immediately. I looked a couple months ago (blocklists came up in a thread and I looked and that was the only account on mine) and apparently she was banned from hexbear after only nine months of using hexbear with like 5000 comments or something just completely absurd.
Maybe midwest sucks now I don't really know, but they were cool with lemmygrad up until it went through its hostility phase. The lemmygrad culture has changed since then, but pre-genzedong ban lemmygrad was probably my favorite online community I've been a part of, so I'm still a little sad about the whole thing.
Serious loser energy being emitted from stormfronters as usual.
mm fresh slop
i object to "building" a hierarchical system but not any existing hierarchies like an apartheid colony or cishet patriarchy
Wtf is a sowjet?
Sowjet (Soviet in German) was a German monthly communist publication, edited by Paul Levi, printed in Berlin.
Ohh ok Der Stürmer fan
The sowjet fan boys.
It's 2024 and clowns are still doing the "neither Washington nor Moscow" shit lol
Then it proceeded to misdiagnose what greed is and pretend capitalism is a system designed around greed instead of greed being innate to humans.
Linkerbaan does a human nature
Diagnosed and proud. Libs eat shit and die.