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Map of the caracoles of the EZLN in the state of chiapas

Rebel Zapatista Autonomous Municipalities (MAREZ) are small territories under the control of the Zapatista support bases in the Mexican state of Chiapas, declared in December 1994.

The EZLN, as a military structure, claims that it does not maintain a participation in said spaces of "self-government." and that only non members of the EZLN have positions of authority in the Autonomous Municipalities

the Autonomous Municipalities are divided into 5 Caracoles (snails) they are normaly made around the diferent ethnic groups in chiapas, the caracoles then coordinate between themselfs throught the Juntas de buen Govierno , these are a council of representatives from each of the caracoles who main job are to coordinate aid and support between communities and better distribute foreign aid.

as to why are they called caracoles is because the indigenous people of the southeast of Mexico have always called their community assemblies by caracores since the time of the Maya civilization

Also Admins Give EvilCorgi his map community, thank thats all, have a good day