Didn't know that Florida had so many Ukraine Supporters
Didn't know that Florida had so many Ukraine Supporters
Didn't know that Florida had so many Ukraine Supporters
Goyim Defense League
If I run into a nazi and he tells me that he's part of the Goyim Defense League I would assume I was being pranked. Sounds like something out of a Mel Brooks movie
i think it's some 4chan shit originally, they've been obsessed with the term goy for well over a decade
Jewish supremacism is a real thing (as we can see from how the IDF treats palestinians) and in Hebrew there is a term for non-jewish people, "goyim". It is sometimes used in a derogatory way. Nazis have decided to capitalize on the existence of this term, and they now use it way more than actual Jewish people do. They love to make memes where, like, some antisemitic caricature calls a white man a "good goy" for having left wing opinions, etc. etc. It's very repugnant stuff. I've seen it for years coming out of nazi cesspits like /pol/. They also love to say that America is a "ZOG" (zionist occupied government). And then some of the neo-pagan nazis like to also pretend that all of Christianity (and sometimes also Islam) is a Jewish psy-op because they're all Abrahamic religions. This is particularly useful rhetoric for them, because it allows them to pretend that the American government, which is overwhelmingly full of white christian straight cisgender men, is some kind of "Jewish" government. Also they let the tail wag the dog with regards to Israel. They pretend that Israel has "colonized" America because they receive so much military aid from America, when really, Israel is mostly a NATO settler-colony in the levant. i.e. the reason Israel receives aid is because they have become a Forward Operating Base for the imperial core bourgeoisie to carry out imperialism in the middle east. Ironically I would also say that Israel is a result of antisemitism in the first place, because the whole reason Jews wanted to set up a Jewish state was because Europeans kept doing pogroms against them.
Most of what's wrong with the internet comes from 4Chan- the people Something Awful insists they threw out because they were too shitty, yet still won't apologize for.
You should just be allowed to shoot these people
or run them over, or shell them with artillery.
hell if a landlord rented a cesna and dropped some bombs on the nazis they can go to the back of the line
If they become this emboldened in my state, let me tell you it'll happen.
We not only give Nazis freedom to spread their genocidal ideology, we protect them from the only answer they deserve.
How is it that these people aren't getting hit with super soakers full of piss?
Everyone is allowing this shit.
bc knowing fash, they've got cop bodyguards standing nearby just itching to put a hole in anyone who moves against their precious baby boys
if you're gonna antagonize them you may as well just fucking kill them (and to be clear, i do think someone should just fucking kill them)
The police are probably the ones waving the flags.
Florida is a shithole
They are actually just Finnish Air Defense aficionados. Nothing to see here, folks.
well they probably do really like Finland
Clearly, these are paid actors sent by Putin and the CCP to make America look bad.
If you disagree with me you're spreading disinformation.
I want a high capacity full auto brick launcher.
Nobody has ever made a meme out of my posts before, this is big for me
Holy fuck
incredible that in the country with the highest concentration of gun ownership, nobody rolled up on these fucks and started blasting. Disappointing, but very very far from surprising.
Should've told people they were black and that that part of the street is officially a black church; that would've done the trick.
Sadly when it comes out the 'victims' were white, people would be conflicted on whom to feel sympathy for.
more of a belt-fed situation i think
Americans complain but they never have the balls to start throwing shit at the nazis
99.999% of this shithole agrees with them and is cheering them on.
Insanely the aesthetic is the only reason people might disagree with them; take away the Halloween costumes and people might only slightly find their opinions controversial.
So proud of their fresh out of the bag Halloween costumes but too embarassed / afraid to be connected to
to be identified and show their faces.They need to be engaged in the marketplace of ideas
The time for suppression and re-education was 10 years ago.
Thereβs a video out there from this protest of these guys expressing support for Biden because heβs been arming Nazis in Ukraine. At first I thought this was pretty damming to liberals (and this may be all there is to it) but then I began to suspect that the Nazis said this because they were trying to undermine Biden and divert more support to Trump. The Nazis also complain about capitalism in the video but naturally they blame Jews for this problem rather than the actual culprits, the bourgeoisie and capitalist society itself.
I also have to wonder if this kind of blatant Nazism can really function in a settler colonial society where whiteness is everything. Fascism is completely normal in amerikkka and always has been since the first European set foot here, but swastikas have never enjoyed much support. Whites need to stay united in amerikkka to combat the evil BIPOC hordes; only in places like Europe can whites actually afford to fight amongst each other.
There's no ambiguity that the Goyim Defense League cares much about the definitions of words. If you ever wanted a case study in not tolerating intolerance, they would be the textbook case. They'd want Jews gone and replace the institutions they hold with white people who want to glorify the white race. These are the kind of explicitly self-described fascists who'd decry Trump by calling him Zion Don. These are your World Economic Forum, Great Replacement, VHS subtitle aesthetic, militia training in the woods fascists. They'd have an unyielding disgust for queerness, for POC in "their" countries, and for being sexually suggestive/disheveled/avant garde in public. For every strand of similarity that you'd share like recognizing inflation, they'd have 3 eldritch tentacles coming out of their head from their advanced brain worms. In the way that you'd revel in your retirement plan of dying in the revolution, they'd do the same decompressing in a submarine looking for the remains of the hyperborea
Critical support for climate change for turning Florida into Atlantis with Publix characteristics.
Florida often has the worst of everything.
I think it's a mistake to be sarcastic in headlines like that.
Nah these guys are also hardcore slava Ukraini https://twitter.com/MaxBlumenthal/status/1698195427172945944?t=5xasPPQOMOAOE2oXDL62cg&s=19
holy shit
uhhh damn I'd maybe add a screenshot of that to your body text so everyone can see it easier
This should be its own thread tbh
Neo Nazi "Bone Face" tells all:
damn neo nazis support the arming of neo nazis
The head guy was a volunteer for Ukraine's beloved Azov regiment. You can't support Ukraine any more than that.
Oh shit it's fucking Kent bonehead! I remember reading about him almost a year back!
oppa gangnam style
When you totally know what communists and Nazis are.