In 2000, Bryan painted tens of self-portraits whilst being on mind-altering drugs, and so, "Under The Influence" was born.
Within weeks, he became lethargic and suffered mild brain damage. Saunders even became a frequent guest at the hospital. Nevertheless, he continued drawing. The artist sought "experiences that might profoundly affect his perception of self" and when you see just how different each of the drawings from "Under The Influence" is, you can't help but think he succeeded. Saunders said the brain damage resulted in "psychomotor retardation and confusion," but at least it was repairable. He's still conducting this experiment, but over greater lapses of time
Art doesn't need to know this answer that badly. This fucking guy has taken
lighter fluid, by huffing
cough syrup at a dose of "two bottles"
I don't even know what a few of these things are, and I'm not going to look up and see how crazy the doses on everything else are, but based on the ones I do know I can only conclude that this guy is trying to kill himself.
I’ve had flimsier excuses to polish off a 6 pack in the past. I get it’s not the same thing but if you want to get fucked up it’s pretty easy to justify any excuse honestly, at least in the moment.
I meant: for kids who did drugs in ‘70s and ‘90s, this wouldn’t be a particularly crazy resume.
At raves in the mid-‘90s, kids at raves would literally ask each other “What’s your menu?” meaning “What drugs have you done tonight?” It wasn’t uncommon, by time of the afterparty, to have done 5+ drugs just in one night. Opium wasn’t common, but turned up once in a while, and there were a bunch of other drugs commonly done that aren’t even on this list.