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  • Main desktop runs Arch but everything else runs Debian. It's the perfect "install and forget" system so long as you don't need the absolute bleeding edge packages.

  • It may feel tasty and great today... but it (definitely) won't feel great as much in the future. Have some respect on yourself and drink something healthy instead -- there are better ways to have fun than that.

    That aside, Debian can be very user friendly just like any other distro -- I say go for it.

    • Appreciate this advice wholeheartedly, fr. I have stuff I need to work on & I DEFINITELY appreciate this comment ☮️☯️

  • Debian has treated me kindly since I installed it a week ago. Only issue I discovered was with a wireless mouse sometimes not working on boot but thats fixed with solaar.

    Still miss arch but I don't feel like installing it again lmao

    • Sometimes a wireless mouse problem is just "I also plugged in a USB 3.0 device, and it puts out so much RF noise that it's jamming my mouse dongle and the local airport's approach radar".

      USB can be bitchy that way.