Because he got rich by abusing women and talking online about how great that is. Then proceeds to trick younger generations to have a toxic mindset about life, mental health and how to treat people around you and especially how to treat women.
If we don't share, discuss and argue against his crimes, abuse and manipulation on social media, minds will probably have a harder time to change.
Speak up, spread awareness and help people either stay in toxicity and not get anywhere in life or grow and have a better understanding of how things actually are.
I’m not giving this person any platform, not even one you mentioned. Because this is what offenders like him want. The only right way to deal with him is putting him in court.
It's good to talk about, and when able to, make fun of these groups and types of actions, so possible potential victims can see this and not go down the same incel pipeline.
The KKK took a hit in their growing numbers when comic book nerds made them a joke in a Superman radio show. They later made it into a comic and published so more people would know about the Klans code words and rituals and remove the mystery that drives newcomers.