Obviously the democrats are more corrupt because they're getting away with all of their crimes /s
It's funny, the guy below you at the time of my reply is basically saying that without the /s.
By the way, nice to see you again!
obama bombed the fuck out of syria and no one batted an eye. all technically legal.
biden is signing some hefty sums (and bombs) to israel, pretty sure thats legal too.
so, like, yeah maybe. republicans are probably doing more corruption at home too to upset your legal system.
Imagine how much of a criminal you have to be to end up arrested in a system where you have the advantage as a political criminal tho.
That's how messed up the Republicans are
There's only one thing the gop loves more than LOUD projection and that's abusing kids. The party of the grand ol' pedophiles
Wait, who was the one?
Blagojevich maybe? I’m not sure exactly what we’re measuring here.
Who, by the way, was pardoned. Want to guess who pardoned him?
I'm pretty sure IL had more corrupt governors before Blagojevich so I don't think it's including them.
I don’t know but I’m betting that they were voted in by the great state of New Jersey.
Is this all elected officials? I'm confused where these numbers are coming from.
They're coming directly from a well meaning individual's asshole
It's only federal numbers and I think they might be a few years out of date but I'm too lazy to check.
If this were up to date, it would absolutely list a criminal president
Looks like only federal to me but idk.
Every US president I remember was a (war) criminal. But it's not about the individuals, but rather the systemic changes enacted.
They are not the same, the republicans are the psychopath shooting up a classroom of kids, and the democrats are the Uvalde cops tasing those that try to stop it.
God that's so perfect I want to nab that and blast it on a megaphone.
As a non-american just watching the democratic shitshow I can't believe why on earth there are only two parties. If the parties are fucked up, build a new one. That's what democracy is made for.
Macrons party in France was fresh up from the ground at his first election.
PS. I'm aware that France is a bad example actually, but the fact about his party is still true.
First past the post elections. If we had ranked choice or runoff elections, more parties would appear.
Instead, in FPTP, every vote that is not for one of the two highest-polling candidates is objectively a wasted vote. Game theory dictates that the only rational choice is a vote for one of those two candidates, since the possibility of a third party gaining enough votes to win in any single election is nearly infinitesimal. So instead of many parties, all candidates self-sort into one of the two viable parties. Any candidate that does not is a protest candidate or deluded, but in either case, there is no hope of actually winning.
So what about primaries? The primary system decides the candidates, but even that is tainted by FPTP, because primary voters have to guess which will perform better in a FPTP general election and often vote against their ideal candidate in the hopes of winning (or, not losing) the general.
In short, until we structurally reform elections to be ranked/STAR/runoff/etc to remove the punitive effect of voting for your actual ideal candidate, we're stuck with a prisoner's dilemma election every time.
As a non-american just watching the democratic shitshow I can’t believe why on earth there are only two parties.
In a lot of cases, there's only one real functioning party. Smaller states and gerrymandered districts tend to have a single dominant party and a secondary dissident party, with the dominant party controlling all the statewide offices and most of the legislative seats, while the dissident party controls some number of municipal seats where they have a local majority.
Macrons party in France was fresh up from the ground at his first election.
Macron spun En Marche out of the collapsed ruin of Hollande's Socialist Party (*) (for whom he was deputy secretary general until Hollande's ouster). He was more akin to Lincoln's Republicans (who emerged from the wrecked carcass of the American Whig Party) or Theodore Roosevelt's Bull Moose Party (which might as well have been Republicans For Roosevelt Party, given how badly Wilson rocked both him and Taft).
(*) don't get too existed. they were pretty thin on actual socialism.
Le Penn's National Front has a real foundation (of French fascists) that existed before she started mobilizing the party and will stick around after she's gone. Similarly the New Popular Front (not to be confused with The People's Front of Judea rimshot) has a broad coalition of support that transcends any one leader. Both are more in line with a traditional American party.
Looks like I know shit about French politics, thanks, TIL.
Btw. maybe it needs a strong movement to create a real third party. A workers union for example, there is a lot of potential if they unite. BLM, too. America had strong movements in the past but none of them went into a political party, sadly.
Americans are near universally convinced that third-parties are a dead end, which becomes a self-fulfilling prophesy. I've never understood it and I would've thought having two obviously non-viable candidates would challenge that assumption, but it doesn't seem like anything will. The classic Simpsons bit where both candidates get replaced by evil space aliens but still get elected because "what are you going to do, vote third party?" was not an exaggeration in the slightest. Americans just accept anything.
its because the indivual states entrenched the two parties. It's really difficult to form another national party. The two main candidates also often run as nominess for smaller state level parties.
Oh so the party of law and order was meaning the party that keeps law enforcement busy
I'm actually confused because I know Jesse Jackson Jr. did a prions sentence of 2 and a half years for wire and mail fraud and Anthony Weiner did 18 months for sexual offenses. Frank Ballance was sentanced to 4 years for money laundering and mail fraud and William J. Jefferson was sentanced to 13 years for bribery. Jim Traficant was sentanced to 8 years for financial corruption. Which one of these is the 1 prison sentence?
Who knows? There's no citation as far as I can tell.
Its not like we don't have Bob Menendez pending trial for smuggling gold bars down his pant legs or Henry Cueller queued up for $600k in bribery charges (both of which are apparently fine, according to the GOP aligned SCOTUS...)
But you're really scraping the bottom of the barrel when your case for a 2024 candidate slate requires you to call back to the Keating Five and Abscam.
I need no convincing. There is a Wikipedia page on this topic and its mostly Republicans listed there but plenty of Democrats as well so the meme really makes no sense to me. AI generated perhaps.
There's definitely a heavy imbalance toward Republicans, but yes, this meme is just wrong.
I have no idea if these numbers are correct. For me I don't need any history though. One party is standing behind a guy who has been charged with 91 felony counts in four different jurisdictions and convicted of 34 and counting, and that's just for stuff he did while in office or as a candidate. He attempted a coup. He fomented a terrorist attack on the Capitol. Still, the Republicans are like, "Yep, that's our guy!" all while the Democrats tear themselves apart over Biden being old and doing old person things. Yeah it would be nice to have a better option for president, but this is not a difficult decision.
Please vote, friends!
Yeah well you didn't include tan suit scandals so it doesn't count
also condiments!
They're not the same, but they do work together to thwart the will and prosperity of the people. The game wouldn't work if they were exactly the same.
Good cop, bad cop.
The meaning is clear. Dems only have 3 short years in which to rack up a fuckload of crimes, if they want to beat the GOP.
But Hunter biden had a gun, that should count against them - NRA spokesperson, probably.
Only a good Hunter Biden with a gun can stop a bad Hunter Biden with a gun.
Diarrhea and constipation are on separate ends of the scale. But both are the same in that they are shit, and no one wants them.
Because Latin America gets fucked over either way
...only Latin America? You may want to ask Afghani, Iranian, Vietnamese, North Korean, Palestinian, Pakistani...
So that makes Republicans more attractive to some people
This is pretty meaningless if it doesn't include which levels are counted. Is this just congress? Is it the national level? Does this include the state and local levels? Without proper context this turns from an insightful piece of information to propaganda.
They aren't the same. They are bad in different ways. One side are corporate shills who are looking to depress the power of workers the other wants to kill blacks, lgbtqa+, Latinos and turn women into sex slave baby machines.
One is clearly worse and we should vote against them, but don't tell me the Democrats aren't bad.
Aren't republicans also corporate shills who are looking to depress the power of workers? And aren't they much more open about being so?
They absolutely are. My point was, and I apologize if it didn't come through, republicans are bad in every way Democrats are and beyond. But the Democrats aren't good.
Yea but they gotta both sides somehow.
This isn't true. Off the top of my head I can think of at least two democrats who've been sentenced to prison. I vote democratic party 99% of the time and I don't disagree with the premise but I don't want like-minded folks going around with bad info
With Bill and Donald, is the impeachment count the same, or are there others?
Trump was impeached twice to Clinton's once. Also, Nixon resigned to avoid impeachment if you want to count that.
I have to rule on a technicality with Nixon and say that it doesn't count, leaving the Republicans with only twice as many impeachments. Lucky for them Obama wore a tan suit in public, otherwise the final score would've been really lopsided.
Both parties are capitalist and support First Past the Post voting in the states they control.
Of course there are differences, don't you want more differences?
Think the Republicans getting control in government is a existential threat? Then you should be open to using every and any tool available to fight this from becoming reality. That means taking a big gulp, and considering that perhaps the democrats don't have what it takes to take on the Republicans.
So democrats need backup! They need help out there on that debate stage to fight Trump. We need to bring in outside perspectives with fresh ideas in the form of more viable political parties in the voting booth.
This means we must do away with First Past The Post voting in each and every state in democratic control. Republican ones as well, but at the very least they have an excuse as to why they use a mathematically flawed voting system that doesn't represent everyone. What is the excuse blue states?
Time to set aside your pride democrats. Perhaps you really aren't the future in the USA. You do want a future in the United States of America right? Would you be willing to risk your beloved democratic party not being relevant any longer to save this nation? I'd say, thats going to happen either way. Either the Republicans win it all, or we find a way around this massive blue roadblock of a political party.
So you may as well do the right thing, and implement Ranked Choice voting in your state before the door hits you on the ass on your way out.
Political parties are not the USA, the people are. We can set ourselves free with state level electoral reform. Now.
Sure. They both benefit from the same situation. Both benefit from the weird electoral system the states have and they both benefit by being one of only two parties. Infact they are almost completely dependent on each other. Once Republican Democrat politicians realized they could get elected by getting people afraid of the opposition instead of excited for their candidate they've had this country voting for the lesser of two evils ever since. 🤷
Both options suck, but the Democrats are slightly better than the Republicans. They both get paid by the same people and they both push forward the same agenda. For example, probably the most left-wing policy we've had come out of our countries. Federal government in a long time is Obamacare. But Obamacare was actually thought up by a right-wing think tank called the heritage foundation. It's a Republican idea that works as bad as other Republican ideas but because it was put forward by a Democrat because who's going to defend it? The real solution is single-payer universal healthcare like any other non-backwards ass country has. But the Democrats being controlled opposition put Obamacare there instead.
Hope that helps you understand where other people are coming from. 👈😎 I find the short form memes like that used to strip away. Nuance and "trigger" those who disagree with you to be a very trumpet esque style of memeing.
You see the problem is that in a system where you only get two choices, you don't get to say both choices suck, because that is literarily helping the shitter side.
If you want to fix the system I'm all for it, but today, here, now, we are required to make a choice and the choice is crystal clear, one side is infinitely better than the other.
It's not close, it's not they both are not perfect, this shitty system we have requires us, as adults to vote for one or the other and the Republicans are batshit insane people that literally want to kill women and queer people.
This is not a matter of coke VS Pepsi, this is a brocoli VS steaming diarrhea.
I'm not going to vote for Trump. If my state were a swing state, I'd vote for Biden. I'm going to work on getting us a third option with my vote since im not in a swing state.
!you don't get to say both choices suck,!<
What's the point of this whole democracy thing if I can't even say my piece? Like what are we defending if we're just going to get in line and shut up anyway?
Anyways the two parties are still basically the same. We deserve an actual left wing party.
They both serve the rich first and foremost which is a critical issue for them to be "both sides" on. Yes, republicans are worse, but that doesn't make democrats good.
No party that "served the rich" would've even let people like Bernie into the party, let alone give them committee assignments and let them run for president on their ticket.
There's no point in arguing that the Democratic Party is entirely controlled by the rich other than to encourage political nihilism. It has always been possible and always will be possible to beat wins out of (or even change/become) the party establishment through concerted effort and activism, as happened in the 30s, the Civil Rights Era, and the purging of the Blue Dogs after the Civil Rights era.
Bernie's losses were disheartening, but abandoning any effort to sway the democrats and writing them off as "servants of the rich" when the decade before 2016 had been one of growing progressivism within the party and when Bernie unfortunately never even beat Hillary in a Dem Primary Poll, is the political equivalent of taking your ball and going home.
Bash on the DNC and NDC all you want, but until we replace them with progressives like was done to the segregationist dems or lose doing so, there's no point in writing off the Democratic Party.
That they fought harder to stop Bernie from getting the nomination twice than they ever fought against trump speaks volumes. Just because they allow progressives to do a few minimal things, doesn't mean the party does not serve the rich first and foremost. This is like how freedom of speech is allowed until it becomes a threat to the establishment (see pro-Palestinian protests that were shut down with bullshit excuses). When the possibility arose that Bernie could make actual significant change, the party threw a shitfit.
The democratic party will never be replaced with progressives because their donors won't allow it.
Since you asked...
Confederate Republicans are as confusing as communist Republicans.
Outcomes, mostly, regarding fascism.
The consistent argument has been despite the siimilar trajectory the rate is different.
I guess this comparison sort of demonstrates whether it'll be a legal or illegal implementation.
Which party do I vote for that stops spending money on weapons or war?
Or, at the very fucking least, spent less money on weapons or war than the year before?
EDIT: I notice all the downvoters don't actually respond to a point in which both parties are the same that literally drives a lot of the domestic issues we have.
Stop defending murdering people in other countries. It's also pretty racist as most of those people are not white.
More importantly than president: Down ballot. Start with your local representative and non federal positions. Local elections usually have less party lines and you may find political alignment there.
The Presidency is mostly a sock puppet for the military industrial complex. We aren't catching lightning in a bottle there.
The Presidency is mostly a sock puppet for the military industrial complex. We aren't catching lightning in a bottle there.
So, just to be clear, in matters involving the military industrial complex, both parties are the same?
Like the original post is asking to be reminded about in a snarky fashion obviously trying to imply that there is no way they're the same?
Which party do I vote for that stops spending money on weapons or war?
Probably one of the third parties running who they are encouraging you not to "waste" your vote on
Since left wingers tend to be obnoxious assholes to anyone who doesn't mindlessly parrot whatever rhetoric they think u should already know, I just assume they're as bad as anyone else be cause I tend to prefer people who actually treat me with respect.
Edit: I called it and look who comes out of the woodworks to call me names and rude sarcasm.
A human being would have said "I'm sorry that you've dealt with the worst of us but it's not all of us, or at least not me". Instead I got a bunch of shit flinging monkeys.
You mean the entire other wing that calls people "snowflakes" when someone asks them to please not be complete self-centered asshats? Those people that treat you with respect when you don't parrot their rhetoric instead?
What mental hospital are you living in?
You want to be treated with respect? What snowflakey whining is this? Need a safe space, liberal crybaby? Fuck your feelings! Real conservatives grab others by the genitals when- and wherever they feel like it (when you're rich, they let you do it). A cage is good enough when you rip apart families seeking asylum! Get outta here with your communist tree-hugging fascist rules and regulations on how I am to behave.
Sorry, I was possessed by the spirit of the right wing's leader slash all of his propaganda mouthpieces there for a minute. What I parroted there wasn't very respectful. Nobody should ever say that to anybody else.
Yeah because if there is one thing right wingers are known for, its an active debateculture that resists everyone stepping in line
I never said anything about conservatives debating well. I just said just about every liberal I've known was like you, an asshole.
I'm sorry that you've dealt with the worst of us but it's not all of us, or at least not me.
Now for the love of any chance we have remaining to fix this country please vote Biden. We do not have the luxury of stopping Trump by splitting our vote when his minions are all voting together.
Vote for the ones that don't get caught.
What's more likely:
I was making a silly joke based on the likelihood that most people have committed crimes and gotten away with it. For example, Obama talks openly about smoking pot in his 1995 memoir. He didn't get caught.
Succinct. 😂
If the Republicans have been in power more than Democrats, why haven't they investigated all the Democrats and sued them? Are you saying that the Republicans are incompetent? Tell me this also, which party holds the majority in Supreme Court right now?
So even if what you're insinuating were true: do you really want to vote for the corrupt and stupid rather than the corrupt and smart? I'd at least trust the corrupt and smart people to run the country in a way that doesn't lead to catastrophic failure.