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Looking for FOSS Games

Hey there,

I enjoy Linux gaming via WINE/Proton, but I often wonder about Linux-native FOSS games. You often see brilliant titles like 0AD and Mindustry mentioned, but there are also some unspoken gems in the "genre" like Minetest and it makes me wonder what other FOSS games are out there, that people just don't talk about much? I'm looking to discover and play more of these titles.

  • Unciv - this one's especially good on mobile


    Sonic Robo Blast 2 if fangames are acceptable

    Edit: Since I mentioned FreeDoom -- Gzdoom acts as a sort of platform for Libre FPSes. Ashes 2063 and Wolfenstein Blade of Agony for instance.

  • To name a few: AssaultCube, Battle for Wesnoth, Cube2: Sauerbraten, FligthGear, Freeciv, Freeciv21, Nexuiz Classic, OpenArena, OpenHV, OpenRA, OpenTTD, Remnants of the Precursors, SpeeDreams, Stone Kingdom, SuperTux, SuperTuxKart, Unciv, Urban Terror, Veloren, Warozone 2100, Widelands, Xonotic

    P.S. It may be that not all of them are FOSS, but they run natively on linux.

    • I have thousands of hours in Urban Terror. I wish the jump mechanics could be enabled in other games. I have so many neurons dedicated to it.

  • BAR - Beyond All Reason, for Total Annihilation/Supreme Commander style RTS, learned about this one in another thread here on lemmy

    Zero-K - similar premise, plays different from BAR, also the graphics seem less demanding

    OpenSoldat - 2D arena shooter. For anyone that never played or saw something similar, think of multiplayer maps of halo, quake or unreal, but if it was a 2D platformer

    Not quite open source, but Daggerfall Unity is a FOSS update to the engine for Daggerfall, a game which Bethesda has made free for years now. You can get the game off GOG, too.

  • Here is also a website where you can see if there is an open source port to non-open source games or an alternative that e.g. tries something of its own / based on the gameplay. As an example, the following "clones" are listed for Minecraft: Minetest, Mineclone2 (now VoxeLibre), ManicDigger and more.

    Edit: fixed some grammatic fails.

  • Does Katawa Shoujo count? Itā€™s not quite FOSS, but itā€™s a renpy game under CC BY-NC-ND.

  • Sonic RoboBlast 2 and Sonic RoboBlast 2 Kart.
    The former is a fork of the original Doom that turns it into a 3D platformer. The latter is a fork of the former that turns it into an online kart racing game