Force yourself to exercise for 30 minutes – no matter how wimpily you do the exercises – 3 hours before you want to sleep. Shower afterwards even if you just stand under running water.
Sport has the opposite effect for me. Light and disturbed sleep all night.
If I'm passive I can sleep for 16h a day. (Which isn't good either. )
I guess people are different.
Light exercise should relax, heavy exercise energise.
As backwards as it sounds.
As in a relaxing walk in the evening may aid getting sleep, but doing an insane gym session wouldn't, it'd wake you up. It might make you physically exhausted, but not sleepy.
That makes sense.
Oh yeah! Sports wakes up the brain: teams, coordination and all that.
I meant solitary exercise with medium heart rate. Weight lifting, stretching. Focus inward not outward.