Modern SMS App?
Modern SMS App?
What's the most modern SMS app available? It can be only on Github too as I use Obtanium. I'm hoping for something with rounded corners and a more Apple-esc appearance.
Modern SMS App?
What's the most modern SMS app available? It can be only on Github too as I use Obtanium. I'm hoping for something with rounded corners and a more Apple-esc appearance.
the three I know of are ConnectYou, Fossify SMS, and QuikSMS
MMS not supported by ConnectYou
Fossify and QKSMS both aren't very modern in my opinion. Connect You I'll have to give a better look. Their F-Droid page pictures aren't too detailed but may be decent. Thank you
Are you thinking modern in terms of cutting edge features, or in terms of stability and a well polished modern UI ?
Or modern in terms of "looking like what everyone else has"?
The latter. My primary focus is the UI
Can you suggest one with cutting edge features? As of now I am using Microsoft's SMS organizer. As much as Iove open source apps, I have not been able to find one that will sort the messages neatly into different tabs or automatically detect spam.
Thanks! That one does look more rounded and easy to look at. I'll give it a shot
Indeed it does
Has to be something including RCS. For all Google's faults, I like Messages.
That said, I haven't tried to back them up in a while to a straight text file. Eeek! That was back in the days when I used Signal to handle SMS for me.
Damn. Another task.
Take a look at quik:
Its the continuation of QKSMS (which I actually still use)
Try Textra. Many customization options, but in regards to advanced features, it's an SMS App, although it does have the ability to undo a delete after a few seconds