I've been looking at our electricity usage and discovered our meter stopped reporting it's usage a few months ago - that really skews things!
I chucked in a manual reading which wasn't too far off their estimate, but I'm irked that 'something' has stopped talking. Gave it a few pokes to see but no new data. On the ph to provider now, jooyyyeeee. Powershop really do have some strangely funky hold music, it's quite enjoyable - pity it's mono and basically 8kHz or whatever the phone lines do to muddy everything!
Also, is it just me or have many of the gentailers stopped publishing their actual rates / seeking new customers?
My son bought a cold home last week which is working it's way through the house. Sucks...
A few years back we would jump broadband and power companies every 12 months because there were always great signup deals. These days it's really hard to find great deals! Plus the move to having plans between providers all slightly different so you can't directly compare them.
We also have a cold going through the house. My brain hasn't been working since last week so I'm guessing my body is fighting (and maybe losing) a battle against the cold.