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  • Companies don’t want to provide actual service for problems. That costs money. They want you to give up.

    Customers hate anything that actually gets between them and someone that can actually help. Not shitty, complicated automated phone menus. Not some underpaid stooge who refuses to da anything except read from a mandatory customer service script. And not AI, which will combine both of the worst aspects of automation and scripted service along with a cheerful idiot that will spare no effort to direct you away from the nearest actual assistance.

  • It is now at the point where we need to ask how they plan on handling complaints and problems. And if the answer is not correct, go somewhere else. Up till now this was never something we needed to worry about

  • The only good thing about is that, with most companies, if you need a refund for something under $10, it generally just gives you the refund and sets you off on your merry way.

  • If AI is better than the existing voice-prompt systems, then I'll take it, but I doubt it will be.

  • Give it a few years of us shoving this down their throat and they'll be stockholm syndromed into loving it!

    -- Large Corporate CEOs, probably