The enlightened non-“Tankies” be like
The enlightened non-“Tankies” be like
The enlightened non-“Tankies” be like
white western leftists will literally be like "yes I'm a socialist... I just hate everything that socialism has done in the world and I'll gladly defend anti-communist efforts when they don't directly effect me"
💯 % true!!
They're liberals who are enamoured by socialist aesthetics. It only goes as deep as the Che Guevara t-shirt
telling a white "socialist" about Che's ideals and tactics made them look at me in disgust, and later I saw that they posted on social media that they threw out all of their "commie merch".
These people are posers and nothing else, they will back the whites in the revolution.
The pure (libertarian) socialists' ideological anticipations remain untainted by existing practice. They do not explain how the manifold functions of a revolutionary society would be organized, how external attack and internal sabotage would be thwarted, how bureaucracy would be avoided, scarce resources allocated, policy differences settled, priorities set, and production and distribution conducted. Instead, they offer vague statements about how the workers themselves will directly own and control the means of production and will arrive at their own solutions through creative struggle. No surprise then that the pure socialists support every revolution except the ones that succeed.
Yes, I acknowledge the system is broken, our democratic rights are actively being whittled away as we are pulled deeper and deeper into the maw of a beast that treats us as expendable resources meant only to line the pockets of the ultra-wealthy. We're given the smallest necessary concessions by a slew of invariably corrupt political hacks to placate the masses and obfuscate atrocity after atrocity in their endless quest for the violent exploitation of every living being below them.
I agree, but you're allowed to romance a black person in Baldurs Gate, I'm gonna have to get on the Trump Train this time
A two party system is way to close to a one party system...
...sounds commie to me.
The Dems make the two party system way more pernicious than a one party system, because of how the Republicans enable them to shoehorn whatever conservative they want.
Western Marxism Loves Purity and Martyrdom, But Not Real Revolution (2020) by Jones Manoel
There is a great tendency in the eastern left, according to Perry Anderson, to separate western and eastern Marxism. Western Marxism is basically a kind of Marxism which has, as a key characteristic, never exercised political power. It is a Marxism that has, more and more frequently, concerned itself with philosophical and aesthetic issues. It has pulled back, for example, from criticism of political economy and the problem of the conquest of political power. More and more it has taken a historic distance from the concrete experiences of socialist transition in the Soviet Union, China, Viet Nam, Cuba and so forth. This western Marxism considers itself to be superior to eastern Marxism because it hasn’t tarnished Marxism by transforming it into an ideology of the State like, for example, Soviet Marxism, and it has never been authoritarian, totalitarian or violent. This Marxism preserves the purity of theory to the detriment of the fact that it has never produced a revolution anywhere on the face of the Earth – this is a very important point.
Every movement that appears to stray a bit from these “pure” models that were created a priori is explained through the concept of betrayal, or is explained as “state capitalism.” Therefore, nothing is socialism and everything is state capitalism. Nothing is socialist transition and everything is state capitalism. The revolution is only a revolution during that glorious moment of taking political power. Starting from the moment of building a new social order, its over. Revolution is always a political process which has two moments: a moment of destruction of the old capitalist order and taking power, and a moment of building a new order. The contradictions, the problems, the failures, the mistakes, sometimes even the crimes, mainly happen during this moment of building the new order. So when the time comes to evaluate the building of a new social order -- which is where, apparently, the practice always appears to stray from the purity of theory -- the specific appears corrupted in the face of the universal. It is at this point that the idea of betrayal is evoked, that the idea of counter revolution is evoked, and that the idea of State Capitalism appears in order to preserve the purity of theory.
Well, actually, the chuds think it's real socialism, they just think it was bad. And then the libs "yes, and" or "yes, but" them. The problem is Western "leftists" always believing what fascists say first and foremost about socialism.
To quote Parenti: They support every revolution except the ones that succeeds
Western "socialists" who don't believe in internationalism are just petty labor aristocrats who are mad that they're not getting their perceived fair share of looted super profits.
That fascinating thing is when they just pick one AES to support. All the rest are ebil authoritarian tankies, except one.
That reminds me how the Albanian communist party once declared itself the only Marxist-Leninist party and all others were revisionist. Decades of theory perfected only by Comrade Hoxha
What can you do? When you’re a winner, you’re a winner.
You forgot the part where anti-revisionism lapsed for over three decades after Hoxha’s death until his reincarnation as Comrade Wisconcom
The subject takes pride in not having any relationship with the entire historic concrete movement of the working class socialist and liberation revolutions. They take pride in not having any theoretical or political connection to the revolutions in China, Russia, Korea, Vietnam, Algeria, Mozambique and Angola. They are, instead, proud of the supposed purity that their theory is not contaminated by the hardship of exercising power, by the contradictions of historical processes. Being pure is what provokes this narcissistic orgasm. This purity is what makes them feel superior.
from Western Marxism, the Fetish for Defeat, and Christian Culture by Jones Manoel
And we're the ones who do purity tests
socialism is when the government does things
and that's goodHas to feel good being the inspiration of the next day's liberal struggle session on lemm dot ee
non-white people (insert racist slur), other country self determination, non-bombed buildings...
I love my socialist president Joseph Biden!
The only Tankie I recognize
Thing is that they didn't prefer Capitalists over them
Marx at least had praise for the Paris commune and Lenin, whatever his issues with Luxembourg, still had immense respect for her and sought to collaborate with the German communists, and Stalin lead the greatest transfer of technology in human history in his work with the PRC
a massacre happened here lmao
Add them to the victims of communism and let's make more (by educating them so they become communist)
Yes, I would like one, uhhh, high speed rail network with a side of, uhhh, universal healthcare, hold the genocide and secret police, please.
Secret police is what you call an intelligence agency of a country you don't like
Their secret police.
Our civilian police.
Their "authoritarianism".
Our law and order.
Their concentration camps.
Our massive prison industrial complex enforcing slave labour on minorities.
Also there's no proof of a genocide going on in China. The main proponent of the accusations is the Falun Gong and Adrian Zenz - a man on a divine mission to crush communism, who has made frequent and egregious "errors" in his translation and methodology.
On the other hand countries in the EU are funding refugee "camps" like that on Moria, with conditions so horrible people are fleeing daily, and the EU is funding border patrols in Turkey that make use of excessive force. These actions would by any fair definition be genocide.
Likewise the United States is far from innocent, both at the border with Mexico where there's many reports of militias hunting refugees, and in the large prison-industrial complex which houses the largest prisoner population in the world - a population that has an outsized number of minorities. These are worked to death. By any fair definition the US is carrying out a genocide.
However it is these countries' accusations we should somehow take seriously? Why? Why should we take What France claims China is doing at face value, when France itself is embroiled in colonial wars in Africa? What reason have these countries given us? The United States especially has a proven track record of lying in order to foment ill will against a geopolitical enemy.
Not to mention communist prisons on average are far more humane and actually about rehabilitation than U.S. prisons, Xinjiang vocational re-education of potential fascists lauded by the entire Arab world being a prime example.
Do you want the end of capitalism yes or no
Killing landlords and fascists is not Genocide, and putting "secret" in front of "police" to make them scarier to you is childish. Of course I imagine you probably aren't afraid of the regular police wherever you are, I wonder why.
If you’re accusing us of supporting “genocide and secret police,” you should provide sources to back up your claim.
What genocide?
Do you know the actual truth of the Holodomor or Xinjiang? Are you willing to know?
Comrades who are jumping straight to retorting are unwittingly making it seem like, "well yes, there was a genocide, but it was worth it." Please do not allow any gap in our response that allows this interpretation. There has never been a genocide committed by a socialist country and we should make it clear we will not cede that atrociously false accusation.
hold the genocide and secret police,
you support Land Back and abolishing the FBI then I assume?
Lol if you think anarchists wouldn’t be labeled “tankies” for not toeing the NATO line
actual anarchists 100% fall under the umbrella of 'tankie'
When someone says something like you did, I am reminded of this random Reddit commentor who, on the r/anarchism subreddit, answered "Nazi Germany could be considered to be an anarchist revolution in nature" because, according to them, anarchist revolutions happen (regardless of your intent) anytime you revolt against authority or the established system, no matter what you want out of it or how it turns out, you're an anarchist.
You remind me of that person, bless.
Nazi Germany could be considered to be an anarchist revolution in nature
Thank you for this second-hand psychic damage
well there were anarchists who went into coalition with mussolini (not many). It was mainly the anarchists who were so anti-soviet that they were willing to join any movement that was anti-soviet
China and DPRK are not socialist. They are fascist states in a costume of socialism
You know "Fascist" actually means something and isn't just a synonym of "place I don't like"
Odd that USA doesnt support them then
Wow, westerner decides billions of Chinese people are simply wrong and confused. That's a very neat trick China is pulling on its population. The people must have no idea what socialism is despite living in China and receiving compulsory education in Marxism.
And as a further nefarious trick, China raised the living standard of the impoverished and working class to further cement the illusion. Every few years they execute a handful of rich people, who I assume are all paid actors. They're so dastardly!
Fascism is when you exempt all minorities from population control measures targeted at the most numerous ethnic group. The more children minorities have, the more fascister it is.
We've all heard the lib propaganda. Many of us believed it at one time. We don't support them because of the misinformation in your propaganda. We support them because of the actual truth about those states
Two questions:
I am once again asking liberals to learn that fascism isn't just a synonym for "something I don't like"
Because almost all of them (not Marx) are authoritarian power hungry dictators/dictatorships? Seriously.... Is OP implying that East Germany was a good socialist country? Wtf are they on? Did the USSR have queer rights? What about Vietnam? NORTH KOREA?!!! Animals have better rights there. OP is either a fourteen year old, terminally on discord, bullied dude. If that is the case, I'm sorry. Have been there.... However, if this is not the case, then OP is just extremely extremely stupid.
Is OP implying that East Germany was a good socialist country?
Yes, and the majority of East Germans agree.
Why have you linked an article from fkin 2009 lmao. Did you look up "East Germans love East Germany" and link the first article that you saw? What poll is this article referring to? Pewresearch (2019) say something very different. According to their surveys, East Germans have reported a dramatic rise in quality of life post 1991.
Is OP implying that East Germany was a good socialist country? Wtf are they on? Did the USSR have queer rights?
East Germany was literally the most progressive country in human history in terms of queer rights. Cuba is now.
East Germany was literally the most progressive country in human history in terms of queer rights. Cuba is now
a large part of that was the mass migration of Eastern Germans after unification to Cuba especially doctors. And their belief that it was embarrassing to not have solid gay rights in a socialist country.
I wasn't aware of queer history in East Germany. Thank you guys for enlightening me there. I am also very happy for Cuba for the strides that they have taken in relation to queer rights.
That being said, calling them "literally the most progressive country in human history in terms of queer rights" is very dumb. Most of western Europe, Canada and even parts of the US to a certain degree are as progressive as one may get in terms of queer rights, both legally and socially.
Queer rights in the USSR means that every single socialist project that ever was is... le bad!
I never said that. There were many things that socialist governments did very well. I'm literally a socialist. It would be hypocritical of me not to approve of these policies. Now that being said, I don't feel the need to glorify these same states either. There were MANY things that they did VERY badly. I do not want to replicate these governments. When I say that I want to implement socialist policies, I do not mean that I want to have a great firewall. By this, I do not mean censorship of literally every fkin thing.
I do not have to idolize former or present socialist governments to be a socialist.
East Germany deserves to be commended for their efforts to Denazify their territories, in Blackshirts and Reds, Parenti mentioned that they got rid of 80% of the judges in East Germany for their Nazi ties. And they did actually have decent LGBTQ rights
Average liberal response: "Woah wow! Look at this opinion, amirite? Clearly we're dealing with a grade A muggle, amirite? You're stupid. Q.E.D."
No arguments or facts just vibes based ranting. Also most 14 year olds in the West have the same view on Socialist countries as you
Fair. Here r some arguments for you:
Now, someone here is most definitely going to come up with the "but the US did XYZ" argument. And I wouldn't disagree there. However, this isn't a competition of "who's the bigger asshole". Glorifying any states or institutions is plain dumb. As a socialist, I want to do good for the people of the world. I can't do good if I ignore the atrocities committed by the people "on my team".
What about Vietnam?
What about Vietnam? What's your problem with them, they don't even get as much shit made up about them as the others.
I don't think a person who writes like you do has any standing to call other people fourteen year olds.
Is OP implying that East Germany was a good socialist country?
you know east germany was the first modern european country to make being gay legal right
And West Germany put gay men back into the camps
Oh wow.... Wasn't aware of this part of history!
So your sole criteria for freedom is if a country has queer rights? ... And you call others children?
Good news everyone, US imperialism is no more: you can marry your partner! (Terms and conditions apply)
So your sole criteria for freedom is if a country has queer rights? Well no. Many more things. Queer rights are just one of these parameters that are easily visible in my opinion. Let's talk about freedom of speech however. I can access the internet in any way that I want in Canada. Can I do that in China? Nope! Say hello to the great firewall! I can protest the government (mostly) in western countries. When I do that in China, I get run over by tanks. Tiananmen Square massacre much? Oh... is that western propaganda too now? I can make fun of Biden, Trudeau, Trump, etc. Can I do that in China?
Being a socialist doesn't mean I have to glorify any of the former/present socialist countries and ignore their problems (which there are A LOT of).
East Germany was actually solid, read the Triumph of Evil. West Germany was worse, to be fully honest and would have been just as poor without the Imperial Core banding together to build it back up.
The USSR had queer rights at the beginning of the revolution and after Stalin took over anti-lgbt laws were rarely enforced
What's wrong with Vietnam?
The DPRK isn't perfect but i can guarantee to you 99% of the things you've heard about it are false. Did you know with a North Korean passport you can go to China? NATO prevents expats from North Korea from being accepted to work elsewhere. the "13 haircuts" myth was started from a barber's hairstyle suggestion board.
Just because all of your knowledge about socialist movements come from western sources doesn't make knowledgeable people "terminally on discord" or a "bullied dude." educate yourself.
Okay, so I read up more about homosexuality in the Soviet Union. From the looks of it, it was legally quite open during Lenin, but progressively got worse with time. I don't think we even need to talk about modern Russia's position on it. Let's look at China. Why can't same sex families adopt children?
In case of Vietnam, again.... let's look at suppression of freedom of speech. Why isn't the press free?
The DPRK isn’t perfect... Omg wtf are you talking about? Why then aren't they allowed access to the internet? Why are they still stuck in the 70s? Why aren't North Koreans allowed to emigrate to South Korea? Why is the Kim family in power for so long and uncontested? When was the last North Korean election? Who was the prime contender? Why is some soul crushing music played every morning in Pyongyang? Or are the videos of that western propaganda too? The DPRK is literally the most dystopian place on the face of this planet.
knowledgeable people Define "knowledgeable people"..... Sure, western propaganda is definitely a thing. So is Chinese/Russian propaganda. Again... I'm not defending the west anywhere here. All I'm doing is refusing to idolize the socialist governments of the past and the present like the USSR. When I say I want a "socialist future", I do not mean that I want the Soviet Union. What I want is something that is very very different than that nightmare.
What's wrong with Vietnam?
Im a dude, but i fucking hate Hitler.
I'm white, but Ted Bundy was a bit of a bad person.
I played Sonic as a kid, but i thinking Kris Chan fucking their senile mom is a little fucked up.
That is such an insane rhetoric. I'm a supporter of democratic socialism, but that doesn't mean I support all branches and types of socialism. Moresohowever, I don't like what is also included in these countries governments. I can fully say some of these countries I absolutely do not support, I do think they are doing things right on the socialism part.
"i am a socialist but every single prominent socialist person or movement or country i hate"
yeah fuck off
DemoSocs are liberals and history has shown time and time again they will side with fascists and exterminate anti capitalists.
but that doesn't mean I support all branches and types of socialism
yes, like a liberal. DemSocs want to reform capitalism, which isn't possible. And yes, Bernie is a liberal. The best one, but still a liberal.
Pre revolution, those countries were utter basket cases. Post revolution, they brought land reform (broke up massive land holdings and gave them to the landless), ended their high illiteracy, and brought in much better health care and human services. And they do it despite the West sanctioning, sabotaging, and trying to destroy them anyway possible.
Literally any anti communist story coming out of the West has HUGE provable lies and exaggerations, and it always has massive obvious fascists claiming it. Go ahead, name one "oh but the USSR did..." and I'll show you a story of academic fraud and some guy that thought that Hitler wasn't that bad.
I'll bite. What do you not like about existing socialist states?