I got that rule in me
I got that rule in me
I got that rule in me
You're the reason they put bitterant on Switch carts.
I would never have thought to put them in my mouth if they just tasted like any other game cartridge, but Nintendo gave them a special flavor and I needed to know.
Girl, are you Rose Thorne of the same name from the DnDnD discord?
That would not be me. I just somehow went from common man's name to common women's name without realizing it until I kept running into other Rose Thorne's.
Oh the memories of frantically rubbing that screen to pet an imaginary puppy....
jumps happily
[MII_NAME] seemed to have enjoyed that
money sound
This is why Nintendo coated these carts in a bad tasting chemical; because people like OP kept eating them.
Ahutup they're nummy